BSOD when trying to boot in safe mode - Windows 7 x86


Apr 6, 2016
Crystal Lake, Illinois
I encounter a BSOD when trying to boot into safe mode. If I have the Windows installation CD in the drive, safe mode is entered showing the Windows installation screen.

OS - Windows 7 SP1 · x86 (32-bit)

· What was original installed OS on system - yes

· The OS a full retail version (purchased it from retailer)?

· Age of system (hardware): constructed from components on 2011-02-17?

· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS? No.

· CPU: AMD Phenom X4 9750 2.4 GHz 4MB

· Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GT 430

· MotherBoard: ECS A740GM-M

· Power Supply: generic 450W

· System Manufacturer: assembled from components

· Exact model number: N/A

· Desktop

files are attached.

Nirsoft BlueScreenView indicates: The BSOD is caused by driver ntkrnlpa.exe, file version 6.1.7601.23418 (win7sp1_ldr.160408-2045), bug check string PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, address ntkrnlpa.exe+8e94d (I have additional info from the report if it's not in the attached files).


Driver Verifier flagged P1370Afx.sys - Advanced Audio FX Driver
P1370Afx.sys Mon Apr 02 01:12:02 2007 (461090A2)
It is an XP era driver that I have no information on or update site for. The driver needs to be updated to solve the BSODs. Your other alternative is to install a new audio card.

Regards. . .

I came to the same conclusion when I used NirSoft BlueScreenView before I saw your reply. The driver is used by my Creative Live! Cam Voice USB web camera. I noticed that I'm using software identified as beta (and it never went any further), so I'm going to give the previous version installer software a shot (all still pretty old). I'll post my results once I get them. Thanks for your help!
Update 2016-06-04 BSOD when trying to boot in safe mode - Windows 7 x86

OK I was able to correct the crashing driver problem but I'm still experiencing a BSOD and I think the cause is the same as before. I have regenerated the reports and have uploaded them. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.



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