
Dec 28, 2016
MIami, Florida
Hi, I am helping this Users at AMD Forum with the above error. I asked him to come here and for you expert help in BSOD's. My opinion seems to be that he has RAM MEMORY not listed on the Motherboard's QVL List causing problem with his Ryzen 3 2200g APU.

Here is the thread showing everything that I had him do to resolve his BSODs but still keeps getting them. Can you look at the Thread from AMD Forum and see if you can help him or at least direct him if it is hardware related?

BSOD issues | Community

He downloaded his DXDIAG file and it seemed to indicate a program called IOBIT SYSTEM CARE. I had him uninstall it but he still gets the same BSOD error.

I will provide a link to this thread so that he can continue to post here and hopefully you guys will be able to direct him in fix.

BTW, the OPS is from Brazil and here is his User name at AMD Forum: luizguuus
Hi, I am helping this Users at AMD Forum with the above error. I asked him to come here and for you expert help in BSOD's. My opinion seems to be that he has RAM MEMORY not listed on the Motherboard's QVL List causing problem with his Ryzen 3 2200g APU.

Here is the thread showing everything that I had him do to resolve his BSODs but still keeps getting them. Can you look at the Thread from AMD Forum and see if you can help him or at least direct him if it is hardware related?

BSOD issues | Community

He downloaded his DXDIAG file and it seemed to indicate a program called IOBIT SYSTEM CARE. I had him uninstall it but he still gets the same BSOD error.

I will provide a link to this thread so that he can continue to post here and hopefully you guys will be able to direct him in fix.

BTW, the OPS is from Brazil and here is his User name at AMD Forum: luizguuus

Rather than guessing, if you either get him to post here, post the dump files from the crash and we can look at what is actually wrong. We can be here all day guessing at why it's crashing but that would be wasting everybody's time.
Your right. I have ask him to open an account here and log on to this thread. I will mention for him to upload his .DMP file. Thanks for your reply.

I'm going to be hypocritical here; having actually looked at the thread. I'm certain it's his hard drive that is on its last legs. I'd run some tests on it and confirm it before doing anything.
Especially here:

It tried to read something from disk, and went bang. The disk disappeared.
Hello guys, tyvm for replying, i don't this it's my hard drive, my computer has only 2 weeks of life, all hardwares are new, i bought it from store.
Hey, Thanks for coming here and registering and logging in at this site. They are experts in Windows BSOD and hopefully they will finally figure out what is wrong with your computer.
There is no file, because i clean install my computer today, so, i'll just have to wait until another BSOD happens D:
The store that i bought my computer said that they tested this RAMS in another Ryzen 2200G computers, and it works correctly. I did the memtests yesterday, but nothing was found.
The HD test passed. I updated Windows with an update that arrived yesterday, and update 3 drivers. I'll keep an eye on it, and come back with a feedback.
Yes, it is. But if isn't hardware issues? They have maximum 30 days to try to find something, i don't have other computer in this time D:

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