WinPatrol™2014, v30.0


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY
Although Bill Pytlovany is referring to the latest release as a "Preview", it is not a beta release. Rather, WinPatrol 2014 a preview of what is in the future for WinPatrol users in 2014.

One change made in WinPatrol 2014 is to ensure that WinPatrol does not unnecessarily use CPU cycles. This was effected by storing common system checks in WinPatrol local memory and updated only if needed. This change will be most noticeable on older computers with limited memory.

If, like me, you always want WinPatrol to start with Windows, don't worry, that feature hasn't been removed. Rather, the wording has been altered so now on the Options tab you'll see "Always monitor at peak startup performance". In the event you do not want WinPatrol to launch at start up, just untick that box.

WinPatrol runs on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 including x64 versions.

Bill outlines the other changes included in WinPatrol 2014 along with plans for future releases here or don't wait, just Download WinPatrol 30.0.2014 now!

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