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    • HonorGamer
      Version 2.18.6 is available for download. To Install: You will need: Download and Install Debugging Tools for Windows Microsoft .NET...
    • HonorGamer
      HonorGamer replied to the thread BSOD CRASH.
      Hello Skak! Please follow the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions Thank you.
    • HonorGamer
      HonorGamer replied to the thread Hello.
      nice! I’ll shoot him a PM. I’ve been gone for years.
    • HonorGamer
      HonorGamer replied to the thread Hello.
      Yeah I haven't seen writhziden's in years now. I understand. I can use the other tool. I was just curious if there was a current fix for it...
    • HonorGamer
      HonorGamer replied to the thread Hello.
      axe0, good to see you. I suppose the app isn't able to be updated because of that. Unsure, but it's okay. The new Windows version isn't...
    • HonorGamer
      HonorGamer reacted to Corday's post in the thread Hello with Thanks Thanks.
      I'm requesting help.
    • HonorGamer
      HonorGamer replied to the thread Hello.
      That's the one I have. This is the message I have been getting.
      • Sys.PNG
    • HonorGamer
      Attempting to come back to the world of debugging. Hope everyone is doing well! Was working on getting everything installed, and the DRT...
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