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    • ubuysa
      ubuysa reacted to kvothe's post in the thread Windows 11 BSOD with Thanks Thanks.
      I completely removed vgk.sys from my system. This has helped but my PC continues to BSOD. I have re-enabled driver verifier and will upload...
    • ubuysa
      It's a feature of the laptop most likely. On most laptops the iGPU and dGPU work hand-in-hand, consequently the two graphics drivers are...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa reacted to axe0's post in the thread bad system config info with Thanks Thanks.
      Makes sense you can't dive deep into it, a 0xEF is a crash from user-mode so a kernel dump is not sufficient. Connecting the drive to...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
      Although that photo doesn't show the whole blue screen (I'd have liked to see the stop code text at the bottom) there is an exception code...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread bad system config info.
      Please don't do that, as explained it's not wise. Windows is not identical on every drive, each Windows system is platform specific...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread bad system config info.
      CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED is almost always a hardware issue and RAM is generally the commonest cause. There is no way to migrate installed...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa reacted to Maxstar's post in the thread bad system config info with Thanks Thanks.
      I've checked the attached hive files, and the SECURITY hive was corrupted (dirty), attached you will find a repaired copy of it to replace...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
      Which might suggest that the problem is either the iGPU in the CPU or, possibly, the iGPU driver. But you recently updated the iGPU driver...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
      The Memtest86 result is fine.... 2025-01-15 10:56:39 - Test result: PASS (Errors: 0) However, I think it's revealed that, as we can see...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread bad system config info.
      Therein lies your problem. You cannot take the HDD from one system and boot it on a different system. When Windows is installed it...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread bad system config info.
      Hello and welcome to the forum! Can you give us more details of what happened (and what you did) in the lead-up to this reboot loop? I know...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
      I did manage to see the bugcheck code in that video; CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED and that's almost always a hardware failure. GIven how you're...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread Windows 11 BSOD.
      Many thanks. The problem driver in that dump is vgk.sys... FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0xc4_62_LEAKED_POOL_IMAGE_vgk.sys It failed to properly...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
      That's useful, thank you. Those bugcheck codes are in decimal, converting to hex we have 0x154 (340 decimal) and 0xEF (239 decimal). The...
    • ubuysa
      FWIW the dumps on 10th Jan and 13th Jan were both likely caused by that wireless card driver mtkwl6ex.sys. However, I can also see that the...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
      There is no dump uploaded and no indications anywhere that you actually had a BSOD. I can see that it crashed, but are you sure you had a...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread BSOD Event 41.
      Please run the Sysnative data collector app again and upload the new output.
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread Windows 11 BSOD.
      Yes it's common. Leave Driver Verifier enabled and make no changes to your system in that time. Do however, use every app you have, access...
    • ubuysa
      Driver Booster?! Nooo. Third-party driver search and install tools are not to be trusted. You have no idea whether they're picking the...
    • ubuysa
      Yes, I have found another possibile workaround (at the moment I'm away from keyboard, PC and home). If that won't work, the next thing you...
    • ubuysa
      ubuysa replied to the thread Windows 11 BSOD.
      Neither of those BSODs were generated by Driver Verifier. Make sure that you follow the instructions at Driver Verifier Instructions - BSOD...
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