Recent content by Deejay100six

  1. Deejay100six


    A dear friend, so sad to hear of his passing. R.I.P John you will be missed by many.
  2. Deejay100six

    Anybody seen this after uninstalling avast Anti Virus?

    Windows 7........a long time ago but, from memory, I would say reinstall avast and then remove it with their dedicated tool. Using the Avast Uninstall Tool | Official Avast Support
  3. Deejay100six

    Happy Birthday, jcgriff2!

    Happy Birthday, John, hope you have a good un! 🎂🍾
  4. Deejay100six

    What are you listening to

    Joaquín Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez I remember the piece featuring in some spaghetti western, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, maybe.
  5. Deejay100six

    Gary R - 1,000 Posts

    Nice work, Gary.
  6. Deejay100six


    If you just run the app, it will collect all the neccessary info, including dumps.
  7. Deejay100six


    Hi, and welcome to Sysnative Forums. For a better response, please follow the instructions here >> Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 + Vista
  8. Deejay100six


    Hi, and welcome to Sysnative.
  9. Deejay100six

    I was sent here by an NVMe. It's not my fault. :)

    Hi and welcome to Sysnative.
  10. Deejay100six

    Self Introduction

    Hi and welcome to Sysnative.
  11. Deejay100six

    IPBusEnum Root Enumerator

    Hi Mike, Not sure if you'll be any the wiser but some info here >> SystemLookup - @%systemroot%\system32\IPBusEnum.dll,-102 (IPBusEnum)
  12. Deejay100six

    jcgriff2 Breaks Past 20K Posts!

    Congrats John! More than I've done in 13 years at the other place. :D
  13. Deejay100six

    Happy Birthday, John!

    (Belated) Happy Birthday, John!
  14. Deejay100six

    FurMark Display Card Stress Test

    Instructions maybe need update. Returning BSOD after apparent fix about 3 months ago. - Tech Support Forum