Run sfc /scannow again.
Click start.
Search for "run" and Click it.
Type services.msc
Find "Windows Update" and on the left side of the window you should see a link titled "restart"... click it.
Try this Windows® 7 Update error 80070490 - YouTube
If nothing works you might have to do a...
I haven't seen any posts related to this, and I figured somebody, somewhere, could find it useful...
This is for Windows 8.1 Only.
Windows Key + S = Open Search Charm to search Windows and Web
Windows Key + Q = Search within the opened app
Windows Key + F = Search files
Windows Key + Z =...
I forgot to say, don't redo your computer, unless you can't get your problem fixed, and we can no longer help... Redoing your computer is a LAST ditch effort! I can't help you any further as I don't exactly know why your updates are not installing. I'll let the other posters continue. I will say...
You need to be logged in as an Administrator to do this, i'm pretty sure.
To change or restart the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
Open your Charms bar by holding the Windows Key on your keyboard and pressing the letter C. Click search, search for Control Panel and click it...
Have you tried clean booting your computer? Something you have installed on your computer may be conflicting with Windows Update. I doubt it has anything to do with this since you said you had corrupt files reported by "sfc /scannow" command before, but you said you run it again and it didn't...
1. Click the Start button then click Computer.
2. Double-click on the C: drive, under the Hard Disk Drives category, and then scroll down to, and double click on the Windows folder.
3. Find and double click on the Logs folder.
4. Right-click on the CBS folder, and select Copy.
5. Go back to...
I would order an OEM recovery disc for your specific computer, check your hard drive and memory for failures, then wipe the whole hard drive with an official "Delete All" program such as DBAN, and reinstall your Operating System along with all drivers etc. Reinstalling using an "off the shelf"...
I figured, since Chris said "DISM is not recognized as an internal or external command" that it probably did not exist on Windows 7 and earlier. After a little research I figured that out lol...
Chris, did you delete anything in the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder prior to your Windows...