The problem has changed slightly ... I carefully read through previous similar Posts by BrianDrab and have managed to remove the KB3035583 & other errors from the CheckSUR. (attached), removing the offending Registry entries (changing permissions where necessary)
I then tried the reinstall of...
First problem... The Windows features dialog box remains empty after the "Please wait" vanishes. Does this mean it hasn't loaded the hive correctly or will FRST still work?
On the off chance it has worked, here is the information produced...
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version...
I see you helped someone 10th March 2017 with an almost identical problem relating to the then March QR.
I'm getting a different error but apparently for the same reason... 13x Missing packages KB3035583 and KB3123862 in CheckSUR.log (EXACT same CheckSUR.log as your previous request)
I've tried...