Quick update:
I swapped out the 2.5" U.2 drive for a PCIe version that wasn't displaying any issues. It's been running for 48 hours with one BSOD. When I swapped it I restored the back up from earlier in the day - up to then I had been getting 7-8 BSODs a day. ON restore I had a historic BSOD...
I will certainly test the drive using the Sea Tools provided it is OK for SSDs. Thanks for feeding back on the earlier chkdsk results. As I mentioned before I confused by the use of /v switch as it is described as being only for FA/FAT32 partitions. I am preparing myself to switch to a PCIe...
From Intel I have the following:
Intel ® C++ Redistributables for Windows* on Intel(R) 64
Intel ® C++ Redistributables on Intel(R) 64
Intel ® Intel Computer Improvement Program
Intel ® Memory and Storage Tool
Intel ® Network Connections
Intel ® Rapid Storage Technology
Intel ®...
I have been testing the drives but this is a long tedious process and I am not quite there yet. The results so far are that no drives are showing errors.
I started to use driver verifier to see if I could generate some specific error messages. To start with the PC wouldn't boot when I had set...
Quick thought along the lines of chicken/egg
I've realised looking back that there have been frequent errors reported on the C: drive. I have run the Intel Solid State Drive Toolbox and its previous version. The firmware is up to date. The drive has been running for nearly 5 years but is still...
Completed chkdsk and drive was repaired
I'm working through the HD Tune reports. So far the only flag is crc error count on the Toshiba X300 6GB which I use to store the backups from Acronis True Image.
I was thrown by "wmic computersystem where name=%computername% set automaticmanagedpagefile=true"
Which I worked out equates to "wmic name=Max set automaticmanagedpagefile=true" the response from this was "Failed to allocate memory!!!"
As far as I can tell I had already done this when I switched...
The verification of my backup using Acronis True Image
The drivers are:
ASUS Com Service - asComSvc
ASUS HM Com Service - asHmComSvc
ASUS System Control Service - AsSysCtrlService
ASUSCertService - AsusCertService
AsusFanControlService - AsusFanControlService
All have been successfully deleted
Yes I had already uninstalled both.
I followed your directions with the remaining driver:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1165]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc stop semav6msr64
SERVICE_NAME: semav6msr64
OK here is the report link:
Since the last crash I still had an outstanding validation of last night's Acronis True Image backup. I changed the settings from max to normal - it's currently been for nearly 4 hours. I previously left it not running and it...
Even after I take the txt files out the zipped file 14MB so I am under the impression it won't upload (10mb limit). What do you suggest. I can upload the original file to Google Drive and share a link here?
Also when running the report it attempts to download an autorun file which it fails to...
Thanks for taking a look. Were there specific drives that had errors?
In my experience so far:
The C: drive (partition on the Intel 750 Series NVMe 1.2TB drive seems to have regular reports of errors. However when I scan them the drive appears to be clear of errors or fixed. I have run a number...
I had to remove them, as advised by the forum, because they made the report to big to upload. I did pause to wonder whether they were something I should still upload, then I had the next BSOD...
I am using Acronis True Image 2021 for backing up. This also has an AV module - doesn't everything these days? 😱
I did remove Norton 360 and System Mechanic
I will try running the uninstaller and see what happens. I have a current license for RevoUninstaller if that helps?
Intel Driver...
One of the later BSODs identified a fault with dxkrnl.sys. This is the second time a reference to dx drivers has come up.
I used DDU in safe mode to remove the NVidia drivers.
I re-installed the latest non-dch standard drivers.
After rebooting normally I opened an command window with admin...