Recent content by interface31

  1. interface31

    [SOLVED] Download of updates stuck at 0%. Error 80246008

    Hi, I decided to reinstall Windows and it is working now. You can close the thread. Thank you for your time tom982.
  2. interface31

    Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

    Nice game! I noticed a detail though: You don't seem to release the memory you allocate with malloc. You need a call to free for every call to malloc. Also, it is unnecessary to cast the return value of malloc. See c - Do I cast the result of malloc? - Stack Overflow for discussion.
  3. interface31

    Not Received Help?

    Hello, I just wanted to remind you of my problem:
  4. interface31

    Where to start?

    Network and hardware stuff is usually hard(er) to make platform independent in my experience.
  5. interface31

    Python 3 Sequence

    I don't want to sound like a dick, but you aren't supposed to use parentheses in if statements. They make it look kind of weird if you are accustomed to python :P
  6. interface31

    [SOLVED] Download of updates stuck at 0%. Error 80246008

    Hello, Tom. I don't think BITS was able to start successfully, unfortunately. Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200] (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Med ensamrätt. C:\Windows\system32>sc start bits SERVICE_NAME: bits TYPE : 20 WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS STATE...
  7. interface31

    [SOLVED] Download of updates stuck at 0%. Error 80246008

    Hello, This is the content of FSS.txt: Thank you.
  8. interface31

    [SOLVED] Download of updates stuck at 0%. Error 80246008

    Hello, I use Windows 8. It has worked fine until recently, when Windows Update failed to download updates. The progressbar gets stuck at 0kb, 0% for a long time, then the download fails with error code 80246008. CBS: Thank you for your time.