For whatever unknown reason, the BSOD has failed to reappear after another week of normal usage. I therefore close this thread asking for assistance. Thank you for your interest and
6 days of normal usage have not produced another BSOD. Before, I was getting it almost daily. If another week like this goes by, perhaps I can close this problem assistance request.
Thanks, but I have also become suspicious of Lenovo's System Update program. It comes back so quickly to advise it has no updates. I wonder if it is due to thesystem age, where it might stop detail investigation. My Dell/Dell updating is more thorough.
I already had Net 4.0 installed. I downloaded Lenovo's system update, which then uninstalled my existing program. However, when I executed the supposedly NEW system update pgm,
it had the same screens as before. When I proceeded to get new updates, it found none which my system lacked.
I forgot to say, yes it originally had 64 bit win7. When Lenovo did a repair job, I told them I needed 32 bit and they sent me the disks, which I installed.
As I recall, the installed Lenovo support application was not exactly like the video. As it executed & advised me that all available updates had been performed, it did not tell me & I did not do a reboot & repeat itterration. I can't get to the support application now to look for an...
Thank you for your comments. I have initiated memtest86 as recommended. I can't speak to the utility which Lenovo provides. Its linked to their installed support program (Lenovo Service Bridge) which provides avenues to update software, etc. and which also linked me to their boot iso which...
Regarding drive corruption, I failed to mention that my troublesome BSOD's all occurred after running 2-3 hours while downloading to the system drive. I am surprised that the
system now running 3-4 hours (but 97.86% idle) is still up.
I do backups monthly after Microsoft releases its monthly updates & did another this morning after I was able to start the system in normal mode & before initiating the verify procedure. The system drive is PROBABLY 8 years old, but I can't swear to it because I periodically replace my system...