Recent content by nice_tk

  1. N

    sfc/scannow : windows resource protection found corrupt files and unable to fix

    Okay, I reinstalled the driver and the problem is solved.:smile9: Thank you very much for your kindness.
  2. N

    sfc/scannow : windows resource protection found corrupt files and unable to fix

    How can I fix the 'Bluetooth Device Monitor'?
  3. N

    sfc/scannow : windows resource protection found corrupt files and unable to fix

    I use the Buddhist Era =_=' . Now B.E. is 2556
  4. N

    sfc/scannow : windows resource protection found corrupt files and unable to fix

    I checked for malware and problem is still and I try a clean boot process and finally I find that Bluetooth Device Monitor causes my problem. So, what will I do next?
  5. N

    sfc/scannow : windows resource protection found corrupt files and unable to fix

    I follow your instruction and this is new CBS.log (I can run sfc /scannow in the safe mode only and the 'server busy' problem is still)
  6. N

    sfc/scannow : windows resource protection found corrupt files and unable to fix

    my problem is when windows starts, the message 'Server Busy : This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy.Choose 'Switch To' to activate the busy program and correct the problem.' comes up. Next, I try the command sfc/scannow(I can try in safe mode only) and this is my CBS...