Recent content by Ninjaboi

  1. N

    GEE (G)- YOU (U) - EYE (I) or GOOEY

    I'd say it doesn't matter, unless you do it out of context ( as the others have mentioned ).
  2. N

    [C#/VB.NET] AeroButton Source

    A creative approach to a problem with language changes. Very nice. By the way, how do you create those animated images? I've seen you post quite a few of them, but can never figure out how you do it :smile9:.
  3. N

    DOSBeep - New Experimental Application

    I learn something new every day I suppose :cool3:. I like that you have so many interesting projects going on, keeps me wanting more :lolg:.
  4. N

    DOSBeep - New Experimental Application

    That looks very entertaining :grin1:. What do you plan on using it for?
  5. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    Thanks Laxer, I didn't know he ran a forum. Downloading the text editor now!
  6. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    Not sure where to find your text editor Ace. Mind posting a link for me? :smile9:
  7. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    Java does have quirks and a relatively messy standard library, but it's still #1 in where in can be used ( I don't see this changing anytime soon ). Although I might not like it a lot, I think getting back into learning it and using it is a good call. You currently top me in how many languages...
  8. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    Having difficulty being adjusted is something I haven't seen in a classic Sonic game, though I bet you could do something cool with it. Most AI back then was like that when I think about it. You of course will have such AI, but I can see you having more than that unless you're going more...
  9. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    Not a problem, don't feel rushed to give progress. I doubt you do, but you would be surprised how many people would agree in saying they don't want progress to be fast, rather to be clean, reliable, and working. If anyone here knows a hint of programming, they'll know not to try rushing you. If...
  10. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    If it wasn't for the mixed storyline Sega gives him ( to controversial ), I bet he would be even cooler than he is now. He's my favorite character in the game series, so having him in there would certainly at least gain you one player :). It sounds like a lot of work, though it also sounds like...
  11. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    The characters seem to be coming along. What characters do you plan on having in the game?
  12. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    Nice progress from what I've seen in that video. Is the land going to be flat like that in the final version?
  13. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    The game looks nice from the video. Are you going to have the ball roll more fluidly ( stops slowly, picks up speed slowly ), or are you keeping it like this? I'd think that making it roll more like a ball would make it more interesting for sure :). As for the other game, it looks like you're...
  14. N

    [C#] TLF Rollaway - Game Development Thread

    That looks very nice! This seems like it will be a lot of fun to play just from the screenshot and descriptions you're giving. Do keep us posted on it. I'd say 3 lives, but it's subjective to whatever you feel an average player would require.