Recent content by roby3493

  1. R

    A hundred Win 7 PCs with issues

    Hello again, we just tried to fix a PC that had a lot of issues with IE11 and the Windows Search service but without luck (you'll find out why in a second). This PC is now on it's way to a reimage of Windows 7 but, just for reference, I'm posting the CheckSUR log that we launched. Could you...
  2. R

    A hundred Win 7 PCs with issues

    Hi, thanks for your prompt support. I'm sorry I won't be able to post any logs because the companies we work with handle a lot of confidential data so nothing must leave these systems, hope you'll understand. I just wanted to know if you have some suggestions / guide lines I should follow to...
  3. R

    A hundred Win 7 PCs with issues

    Hi everyone, I'm Roberto from Italy and I work in an Help Desk of a very very big international IT company; we are experiencing some issues with around a hundred or more Windows 7 Professional x64 PCs. We got a task to do: we must connect to this machines remotely and try to fix the issues...
  4. R

    Hey everybody :)

    Hi, I'm Roberto from Italy, I work in a Technical Service Desk and we are experiencing some issues with a hundred Win 7 PCs w/ Windows Updates so I hope to find some help here. Thanks in advance. Regards :)