Recent content by RolandJS

  1. R

    SSD $MFT rewritten, lost data - Ever happen to you? Restore options?

    WZ, did Recuva "ask" you to purchase the Pro version in order to go past 95GB?
  2. R

    Undeletable folder structure

    Have you already tried booting a puppy linux and using its file manager to delete those pesky files and then the folders? Oh, last post was june, probably solved by now :)
  3. R

    Thor Home Premium blocking sysnative &

    I figured as much, ok, earlier, already added sysnative to UNblock, all is well! :) I almost read forum as: Microsoft Malware & Support Removal...I need glasses!
  4. R

    Thor Home Premium blocking sysnative &

    I googled and got two related hits...still do not know if it is a false positive or simply similar to a "pup" :) I won't have any kittens over this :)
  5. R

    Thor Home Premium blocking sysnative &

    Thor Home Premium blocking sysnative & I unblocked sysnative for now. Thor says is active through sysnative. Can anyone shed light on why this is happening? Personally, I like sysnative! :)
  6. R

    USB Hub Devices Disappearing

    Can the external USB hub also be powered by AC adapter? If yes, have you already powered this ext USB hub? If not, try powering it. Let us know how things go :) I mention this AC-powering because my home laptop's ext USB hub, into which my ext mouse is plugged, is AC-powered. [I just now...