Recent content by success17

  1. S

    BSODs every single start-up - 99% cant get to windows login screen

    Direct connection to the wall. No probs with losing power or something like that. Just tried something else. Using my HDD tried to reinstall Windows 7: failed. At some point I got a blue screen. Just tried again and the error I am getting just in the beginning of installation is: STOP...
  2. S

    BSODs every single start-up - 99% cant get to windows login screen

    They are not identical. Just swapped them back (SSD is back). Can log on to Windows 95% of time in safe mode. Then it might die at any moment after that. Managed to log in a few times without safe mode - was dying very fast. Definitely works longer in safe mode before BSODs. Also, it appears...
  3. S

    BSODs every single start-up - 99% cant get to windows login screen

    First of all, thanks very much for your help. Answering your questions: [/INDENT] It was installed even earlier, than the one on the SSD drive. [/INDENT] Just tried it. Didn't help. Any other ideas, does it look like it's a major hardware problem? I mean given that I tried 2 systems (both...
  4. S

    BSODs every single start-up - 99% cant get to windows login screen

    Hey guys, Hope you can help with something really weird. ---------------------------- Background: ---------------------------- 1) Have been using Dell M4600 mobile workstation for almost a year now without any probs 2) Everything was OK until yesterday when all of a sudden I got my very first...