Sysnative BSOD App 3.2.0 & Win Debugger 10.0.26100.1742 (x64)


Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
World, Europe, Italy

I am trying to use said versions.
I tried to install the BSOD App in another folder, but it insists on installing in c:\users\My-User.
I tried to move it from there, but it still insists on not working.
So I gave up and am using it from c:\users\My-User.
(I wish it was really portable...)
I installed the newest and latest version of WINDBG.
I only get the files _88-debug, _95-debug, _97-debug, _98-debug, _99-debug.
I remember there were a lot of files available to check.
Is this normal?
Am I doing something wrong?
Did I forget something?

You should be able to install to a different folder, but it will always create a junction or symbolic link at C:\Users\[userName] because that allows one path for saving/loading settings, etc.. I can change that in a future release, but that was the way I had done things before I learned modern techniques.

As far as providing an output to other files, you can select other files in Change Settings -> Files to Save and you can arrange your own template file output to make it easier to generate your summary when posting on different forums. The instructions to generate the template file can be found in the help file.
A previous user had reported losing the app behind other windows while navigating forums' posts. I can change the "Always on Top" behavior to not be the default going forward.

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