Windows 11 version 24H2 + Cumulative update for .NET Framework (Windows 11 version 22H2) update failing - Error 0x800700c1


New member
Jan 3, 2025
Hey there, first time asking for help in a forum like this. While I'm not terrible with computers, I think I'm out of my depth with my current issue. Recently I got prompted to update my laptop to the latest version of Windows 11 (that being 24H2), alongside being prompted to intall a seperate update for the current version of Windows 11 I've been running (version 22H2). I attempted to download them a few days ago and left it to finish while I did something else, but when I came back I saw that it had failed. I thought that this was strange, but wrote it off and resolved to look into it later. Yesterday, I decided to try again and see if I could figure out what went wrong. I tried downloading and installing them both again, and while I was able to download them they both repeatedly failed to install themselves. Seeing this, I checked out some other help forums to see what the issue could be, which led me to run DISMs (which failed, error cade 0x800f081f) and multiple srf scans (which all said that they found corrupt files but were unable to fix some of them, specifically it wasn't able to repair 'smipi.dll'). When I used the component scanner, it found a corrupt file, but I'm not sure if it's the same one. Attached are the compressed CBS file and component scanner text file.


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