[SOLVED] DISM /restorehealth, KB5048652, and In-place upgrade all fail-Win10 home

Thanks for marking the thread as solved, I was going to do that after our back and forth about the solution and your desire to gather more info about the unorthodox fix lol.
How does the following folder looks like: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSWindowsUpdate\

Rich (BB code):
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSWindowsUpdate\>dir
 Volume in drive C is System
 Volume Serial Number is 4CC5-6794

 Directory of C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSWindowsUpdate\

07/28/2024  12:22 PM    <DIR>          .
07/28/2024  12:22 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/20/2024  09:50 AM           363,576 PSWindowsUpdate.dll
07/20/2024  09:49 AM           657,658 PSWindowsUpdate.dll-Help.xml
07/20/2024  09:50 AM            30,634 PSWindowsUpdate.Format.ps1xml
07/20/2024  09:50 AM            48,206 PSWindowsUpdate.psd1
07/20/2024  09:50 AM            35,610 PSWindowsUpdate.psm1
07/20/2024  09:49 AM           247,375 PSWindowsUpdate.xml
07/20/2024  09:49 AM             1,250 PSWUSettings.xml.tmp
               7 File(s)      1,384,309 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  222,610,706,432 bytes free

What is the result of the command without 'Sort-Object'.
Get-command -module PSWindowsUpdate

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