[SOLVED] Windows Server 2019 error 0x80092004 during .Net Framework 4.8


Jan 22, 2025
Hello everyone,

i have some trouble during the installation of .NET4.8 on Windows Server 2019 and it would be great to find some help here.

Problem: Installation of .NET48 fails with "object or reference not found"

CBS log says: Exe (E:\91f2b359f66f81d3e2c4\x64-Windows10.0-KB4486153-x64.cab) failed with 0x80092004 - Das Objekt oder die Eigenschaft wurde nicht gefunden. .Exe Log File: CBS.log
Exec: Processing complete. Session: 31157458_1307391355, Package: Package_for_KB4486153~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Identifier: KB4486153 [HRESULT = 0x80092004 - CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND]

So i ran

SFC /scannow -> without any errors

after that i tried my luck with

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RESTOREHEALTH

All of the commands suceeeded and couldn't find any corrupted component stores

So i rebootet and tried installation of .NET4.8 again, with the same error message.

ComponentsScanner also didn't find any errors

So i got KB4486153 from Windows Update catalog and and ran DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\Users\administrator.NETTER1\Downloads\_net48error\KB\Windows10.0-KB4486153-x64.cab"
The result was the same: Error: 0x80092004

And if i check installed Updates in control panel, i can see, that KB4486153 was installed on 25.05.2020! But i'm not able to uninstall and reinstall it.

Das Windows-Update "Update für Microsoft Windows (KB4486153)" konnte aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht deinstalliert werden. Fehler: 2147956507 "Mindestens ein erforderliches Mitglied der Transaktion ist nicht vorhanden." (Befehlszeile: "wusa /uninstall /kb:4486153 /log:c:\support\wusa.evt")

"could not be installed because of error 2147956507 "One or more required members of the transaction are not present."

I'm done with my knowledge and it would be nice to get some support from this awesome forum.

Funny thing is if i grep .NET version with Powershell command: Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full"
Output is: Version: 4.8.03761

The issue looks very similar to:

greetings Raphael


Hi @Raphael87,

Welcome to Sysnative Forums!

If you haven't already, please review the posting instructions here, and attach the requested log files. Without log files, our helpers will not be able to assist, and this will slow down fixing your machine.

If logs have been already been provided, our team of volunteers will analyse the provided log files to build a fix for your system. Please be aware that this may take several days from your initial post, due to the high volume of threads that we receive.

- Sysnative Windows Update Team
I don't want to be impatient, but has anyone some kinde of repair script for my problem?

Thank you very much, you all do a great job.
Hi and welcome to Sysnative,

There are a number of missing components, so please upload a copy of the COMPONENTS hive.

Upload your COMPONENTS hive.
  • Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Config and locate the COMPONENTS file.
  • Please copy this file to your desktop.
  • Note: If you receive an error that this file is in-use, simply reboot your computer and try again.
  • Right-click on this file on your desktop and select Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder. This will create a file named COMPONENTS.ZIP on your desktop.
  • If the file is too large to upload here, upload the file to www.wetransfer.com and post the link in your next reply.
Please run the following commands in an elevated prompt for just one of the corrupted components and attach check.txt to your next post.
dir /s /a C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_netfx4-system.runtime.serialization_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_4.0.15713.0_none_8aef77826769240e > "%userprofile%\Desktop\Check.txt"
certutil -hashfile C:\Windows\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_netfx4-system.runtime.serialization_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_4.0.15713.0_none_8aef77826769240e.manifest SHA256 >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\Check.txt"
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Winners\amd64_netfx4-system.runtime.serialization_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_none_c43fa7acd7b99785\4.0 >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\Check.txt"
Great, only the payload files are missing and the associated registry keys are missing some values. However, due to the number of ccorruptions it may take some time to create a fix.
Here's the first batch with replacement files.

SFCFix and save it to your desktop.

Warning: This fix was written specifically for this system. Do not run this fix on another system.
  • Save any work you have open, and close all programs.
  • Download the attachment SFCFix.zip and save it to your desktop.
  • Drag the SFCFix.zip file over the SFCFix.exe executable and release it.

  • SFCFix will launch, let it complete.
  • Once done, a file will appear on your desktop, called SFCFix.txt.
  • Post the logfile (SFCFix.txt) as attachment in your next reply.

Afterwards try to install the .NET 4.8 feature and post the result. If it fails attach a new copy of the CBS logs.


SFCFix ran with Errors in the registry part and says "C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS. File not found."
Which is not true, file exists.

Setup of .Net48 now fails with "component is corrupt"


Rich (BB code):
Failed to load registry hive file C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS. File not found.

Hmm, open an elevated prompt and run the following commands and post the result:
Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (successful)

C:\Users\administrator>reg query HKLM\COMPONENTS
FEHLER: Zugriff verweigert (access denied)
Hmm, that's why SFCFix failed as it seems! Do you have another admin account on this server?
I tried the same with local administrator, with the same result. But i was able to grant ownership of HKLM\COMPONENTS and got myself full rights for HKLM\COMPONENTS and the subtree (inherited).
However there were no subentries for HKLM\COMPONENTS.

I ran SFCFix with script again and all the keys and values were set. But after another attempt of installing .Net48 i receive another "componentstore is corrupt".
Attached the new SFCfix and CBS.log


Rich (BB code):
2025-01-27 16:08:27, Error                 CSI    00000004@2025/1/27:15:08:27.718 (F) Attempting to mark store corrupt with category [l:28 ml:29]'CorruptMajorComponentsBranch'[gle=0x80004005]
2025-01-27 16:08:27, Error                 CSI    00000005@2025/1/27:15:08:27.719 (F) onecore\base\wcp\componentstore\storelayout.cpp(4999): Error STATUS_SXS_COMPONENT_STORE_CORRUPT originated in function ComponentStore::CRawStoreLayout::OpenCanonicalDataKey expression: (null)

ComponentsScanner and save it to your desktop.
  • Right-click ComponentsScanner.exe and select "Run as administrator", click Yes on the UAC (User Account Control) prompt which appears.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Once complete, a report will be saved to your desktop called ComponentsScanner.txt.
  • Post the logfile ComponentsScanner.txt as attachment into your next reply.
Rich (BB code):
==== Critical Errors ====
COMPONENTS hive is very small (<6MB). This could indicate major corruption & large missing sections of data
Critical registry key "COMPONENTS\CanonicalData\Catalogs" does not exist or could not be loaded
Critical registry key "COMPONENTS\CanonicalData\Deployments" does not exist or could not be loaded
Critical registry key "COMPONENTS\DerivedData\VersionedIndex" does not exist or could not be loaded
Critical registry key "COMPONENTS\ServicingStackVersions" does not exist or could not be loaded
Critical registry key "COMPONENTS\Installers" does not exist or could not be loaded
Critical registry key "COMPONENTS\ccpinterface" does not exist or could not be loaded

This doesn't look good at all, do you have recent backups of this server? And are you able to extract the latest COMPONENTS from an backup?
okay : /
yes i do, i have 15 daily restore points (veeam backup) But i don't know when COMPNENTS broke.
I'd also have another 2019 Server VM with the same update leve build from the same VMware template
Rich (BB code):
ComponentsScanner Version by sysnative.com
Windows Version: Windows Server 2019 Standard x64 (10.0.17763.6775)
Start time: 2025-01-22T13:50:42
Hive scanned: %windir%\System32\config\COMPONENTS
Number of keys: 112184
Number of values: 349202

When you started this thread Wednesday of last week the COMPONENTS hive was fine, so please provide a copy from that backup.
Ok i was able to restore C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS and now you want me to replace it?

COMPONENTS from my backup has ~ 80mb and the current one 128kb

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