Thank you for the replies, I appreciate your attention very much.
Regarding the hard drive imminent failure, I received a UPS power bank used for free not long ago and while it initially checked out very well battery looked good not swollen no leakage status and such on the front of it very good, within a month or so if the battery failed and became quite swollen (It had been sitting for quite a long time It's not an uncommon thing to happen to a lead acid battery that hasn't been charged in forever), But I did not notice the dead battery and at this point I had quite a decent Ram cash running as long with the write buffers turned off on my hard drives, to get the extra performance because I had the battery back up and I wasn't concerned about losing power immediately (I should have kept a better eye on the screen and I don't have the Rj45 Cable that came with it yet so I didn't have any alarming notifications on my PC), But anyways that's I would say probably where the extreme amount of corruption is come from and I am hoping that The damage incurred to my hard drive is mostly just on the data side and not on the physical component although I'm not 100% sure. I do know did I've checked it out with HD Sentinel pro and it passes all the surface tests and whatnot but I guess I'll have to wait and see on that one. I I do not have a constant backup of my local drive however it is not used for storing anything beyond the length and time to let's say record or render it.
I read through the other post you linked. Thank you for that by the way. I will check my registry for duplicate profiles right now, I should mention that I have done a clean start as well as powering down and pressing the power button numerous times over a couple of minutes to make sure I drain all of the energy out of the capacitors to completely power things down and give it a shot that way. I have all of my external peripherals unplugged except for my mouse and keyboard and I have tried the upgrade with the most and keyboard removed as well once I set it into motion of course.
- SETUPERR.LOG from the $Windows~BT/Sources/Panther directory shows the following errors:
# 1058: The service can't start that's usually because it's been disabled or has no unable devices.
# 0x80070422: essentially the same as 1058 in HRESULT form; It signals that a service is disabled.
# 0xd00000034 (STATUS OBJECT NAME NOT FOUND): A required object (like a registry key or file) wasn't found.
# 0x80070957: an "invalid parameter" error; something's being passed in incorrectly.
0x80070002: The system can't locate the file or object-it's missing.
0x00000057: another variant of an invalid parameter error.
0x80070bc9: indicates failure when trying to fetch the state of an update (like for WCF or similar components).
0x000036b7; This company's the 0x80070bc9 errors; It's a specific return code from the update state call (It's exact internal meeting is murky).
0x80220008: A state management error from Windows configuration system-basically, it couldn't get a current setting value.
0x800004005: The classic "unspecified error" That tells you nothing specific-it's a catch-all.
0x00000005: Access denied; your process doesn't have the required permissions.
0x00000002: The system can't find the file or object, plain and simple.
0x80070149: a failure when trying to disable a system level auto lock-likely a permissions or configuration snag.
0,x000000428: an error processing the upgrade security template; think of it as a template corruption or misconfiguration.
0x80070428: The security template couldn't be applied for the new OS-perhaps due to a missing service or configuration issue.
0x000000b7: "Already exists" error-something that's supposed to be unique is already present.
0x000000A1: The specified registry path is invalid-Windows couldn't locate that key.
0x0000065E: A write error during registry or system state updates; likely a permissions issue or a corruption at the target.
0x490: Error encountered while trying to remove an INF file-typically meaning the file isn't there.
0x000000cb: A read failure indicating a missing object or file when attempting to access it.
0x139f: a less common code indicating a failed query on a registry key, meaning that key isn't present.
So that's what's in my setuperr.log. I've got a pretty good idea how to fix everything I mean hey I could manually relocate and resource the 600 files that are corrupt which I think would probably allow my SFC to complete which would then allow my update to complete which would then allow the upgrade to complete that's my theory.
What I was hoping Is that since SFCfix was unable to generate you the information required to send a fix archive likely containing the files found corrupt by SFC I'm guessing although I'm not 100% sure on that, That if I was to send you my CBS log or more specifically the [SR] specific portions of it or even to make things easier for you just specifically a file list with all the extraneous info removed just the actual files required you could provide me an SFC the same as you would if you had the proper information from your SFC fix program itself.
Obviously it's just my speculation that that is how that program works and I could be very well wrong by a mile so if I am then that's you know not unexpected but if I am correct on how that works that would be very very useful for me and I think would solve all of my problems I have tried to figure out the format of the SFC fix file myself so I could just take care of it and not bother you guys but I have not been able to ascertain that info and as I have read on your site you are not interested in taking that information to a public scale which is completely and totally understandable and respectable from your point of view I would never try to push that or in any way complain about your priorities or your decisions on how you choose to handle the information for your proprietary app. I'm simply just trying to provide a solution that I feel would work and again I could be way off. Either way thank you so much again for your time and if you like I can provide the errors from the other setup log that's in that same panther directory, along with specifics for my windows update error too if you want some I'm happy to share anything that you like.
Thanks again!