Can't install printer


New member
Feb 24, 2025
When I try and install printer get error 0x000003f1 the configuration registry database is corrupt. any help would be appreciated , i have tried all recommended troubleshooting ie remove and reinstall printer , pc finds printer on network but wont install driver


If you deleted Driver Store, get it back. Not that I think it helps, but here's Co-Pilot answer:
"Failed to import driver package into Driver Store" error can be fixed by selecting "Import the driver and append a new catalog to the existing categories" for Specify the option for duplicate drivers in Import New Driver Wizard. If the INF file references a file that is not included in the driver package, the driver package is not copied to the store. The process of copying a driver package to the Driver Store is called staging. A driver package must be staged to the Driver Store before the package can be used to install any devices.
printer get error 0x000003f1
Try restarting your computer and reinstalling the drivers. If the error persists, try the following: Run the Printer Troubleshooter: Go to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional troubleshooters and select “Printer.”

Error code "0x000003F1" is one of the issues that users may get as a result of incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in system elements.
What exact model printer?

Open the Start menu, type "services.msc," and hit Enter. Scroll down to "Print Spooler," right-click it, and select "Stop." Once it’s stopped, go to the File Explorer, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS, and delete any files in that folder.
Once those files are deleted, return to the services and Start the Print Spooler.
Try the printer install again.

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