Lenovo 14ASP9 frequent crashes. BSOD DCP Watchdog violation / Kernel-Power ID 41.


Mar 3, 2025

I bought a Lenovo laptop 14ASP9 about a month ago. Since the first install, I have frequent crashes. On the Lenovo forum, a user advised me to post the dump files here to get some help ! (post : English Community-Lenovo Community )

I don't always see the BSOD but the in the Event Viewer I can see the Kernel-Power critical error ID 41. Since the 26th of January I had 9 crashes. (8 with ID 41, one with ID 86). I have only two dump files, both mentionning DCP Watchdog violation.
(One thing that comes back frequently in the Event Viewer is the warning Kernel-Php ID 219 : Failed to launch Driver\WUDFRd )

Thanks !
That's fine, you can still follow the instructions aside from the step of creating a new thread and just post it here.
That's fine, you can still follow the instructions aside from the step of creating a new thread and just post it here.

Thank you !

Unfortunately I can't make SysnativeFileCollectionApp work... Double-clicking on it does nothing (no cmd windows open or anything), no folder created in Appdate (it simply creates files in the folders Temp and Crashdumps insided Appdata>Local)


No need to quote the post directly above yours unless there's a specific portion you want to respond to. :-)

Could you follow the instructions for running driver verifier: Driver Verifier Instructions - BSOD - Windows 11, 10, 8(.1), 7 and Vista

I see 0x133 crashes occurring many times, this looks like a possible issue in a driver which driver verifier should help identify.
Just to be sure, I should let verifier run between 24 to 48h that’s correct ?
Even though I was able to boot normally ?
Bonsoir adri95. :-)

Yes, even three days.
Hopefully, a driver is responsible for your problems and with this tool we could find it.
The sequence seems to be 0x144 (1001,...), 0x15f (2,...), 0x133 (0,...).
It might be useful to have a look (i.e., zip and upload them) at the files in c:\windows\livekernelreports:


Just had 2 crashes 5 minutes apart. I was just web surfing
No BSOD this time.
As usual, the even viewer shows a Critical event ID 41 Kernel-Power, a lot of warnings ID 10016 and also several ID 219 (Failed to launch driver WUDFRd)
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Just to keep you updated, I've fully reset the PC to check if it solves anything (from Settings with Cloud download and clean data enabled). So I've restarted driver verifier and will let it run 48-72h like you suggested.

I had a question though : is it normal to already have some errors in the Event Viewer after a clean install ? 28 in System, 8 in Application (286 in total but 190 being the same error ID 110). I'm attaching both System (28 errors) and Application (8) logs (only with the "Error" events filtered) if you want to give it a look... Thanks!
Event viewer logs Errors.zip
Yes it's actually expected to have events right after a clean install.

Windows will log a lot of things, not just errors but also informational events and warnings. Think things like 'I booted successfully', 'I loaded this driver', 'service x, y, z, started successfully', etc. Many of it is rarely of any interest for the average user, but important information to have for troubleshooting.

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