Before seeking hardware advice, please read this.

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Hardware Expert
Microsoft MVP (Ret.)
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
Nebraska, USA
In order for our advisers to better understand your issue, we need to know what we are dealing with so we can all be on the same page. When seeking help with a problem you are experiencing, please provide as much detail about the problem as possible, to include any symptoms, error messages, when the problem first appeared, any recent hardware or software changes to your system, and what you have done thus far, if anything, to resolve it.

Providing as much information as possible in your opening post can expedite the resolution of your problem. If we know from the start the version of Windows you are using, how much free disk space you have, and the model number of your motherboard (or factory made computer), for example, we may be able to offer a quick solution in our first reply. Otherwise, delays in resolving your problem are likely to occur.

For your hardware/system specifications, please list the following in your opening post.

If factory built PC or notebook computer,

Computer brand and model:​
Operating System:​

If self or custom built PC,

Operating System:​
Motherboard brand and model:​
CPU brand and model:​
Graphics Card - Integrated or card band and model:​
RAM brand, type, and number of sticks:​
Case brand and model:​
PSU brand and model:​
Main Drive(s): brand(s) and model(s):​
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