[SOLVED] error 0x80073712


Jan 15, 2017
Hi All,

I've tried everything that I can think of to fix this error. Most recently, I reinstalled Windows but I'm still having this issue. I haven't been able to update my Thinkpad since the end of Nov. I've tried disabling Windows Defender so that I could uninstall Windows Security Essentials, I've also tried probably about 20 different hacks online, including using the tool Windows has to correct update errors but that failed too. I've gone into the registry, I've tried stopping services.... I'm at my wits end. I saw there was a fix to this on this forum but it was specific to the OP of that post and I saw that individuals were encouraged to create their own thread for the issue. Can anyone help? Thanks!!


read instructions:

1. Tried the program and got this message:

SFCFix Has Crashed

Something has gone horribly wrong and SFCFix has crashed. Would you like SFCFix
to submit a crash report to the developer so that this problem can be fixed?
Type "y" for yes or "n" for no and press enter to continue:

I typed y and then this posted in notepad:

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2017-01-15 15:57:56.267
Microsoft Windows 10 Build 14393 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SFCFix version by niemiro has encountered an unhandled exception.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2017-01-15 15:59:00.045


Last edited:
Hi there Soulfulll,

2017-01-15 15:25:34, Info                  CSI    0000000c Manifest hash for component [l:92 ml:140]'amd64_45bd738439fd2ca45a73d4351107fb20_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.321_none_337acd5f29219ce6' does not match expected value. 
 Expected:{l:32 b:5214c0fa5a592f518cea93aeba97b3b2be466f711dd8e9e7c91274650ffbfed1}
 Found:{l:32 b:3d134c4c73f071ff1bcfc7b576f680866b8b9866c694658bc4e3864b0d83a444}.

Let's check if this is the only problem detected with DISM.

DISM /RestoreHealth Scan

Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Right-click on the Start
    button and select Command Prompt (Admin)
  2. When command prompt opens, Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Right-click > Paste) the following command into it, then press Enter

    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

    Wait for this to finish before you continue

    copy %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log %userprofile%\Desktop\cbs.txt

  3. This will create a file, cbs.txt on your Desktop. Please zip and attach this to your next post.

If the zip file is larger than 8MB, please use a file sharing service such as OneDrive, DropBox, SendSpace, etc. and include the link with your reply.
I don't see the DISM run. Please try it again, then when DISM finishes attach the CBS log from C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log
I don't see the DISM run. Please try it again, then when DISM finishes attach the CBS log from C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log

Sorry about that. When I finished the scan, my cat stepped on my computer and closed command prompt so I thought I could just open it up and print the file from there. I ran the scan again this morning and I'm attaching the file it created. First, it asked to overwrite the previous file, which I did, but the properties still said it was created yesterday but accessed today. I then deleted the file and ran the same command but got the same property value. I don't know if that matters but I'll include a screen shot of what I did in the command prompt as well. Again, thanks for your help!View attachment cbs.zipcommand prompt.PNG
2017-01-20 09:09:31, Info                  CBS    
Checking System Update Readiness.

Operation: Detect and Repair 
Operation result: 0x0
Last Successful Step: Entire operation completes.
Total Detected Corruption:	0
	CBS Manifest Corruption:	0
	CBS Metadata Corruption:	0
	CSI Manifest Corruption:	0
	CSI Metadata Corruption:	0
	CSI Payload Corruption:	0
Total Repaired Corruption:	0
	CBS Manifest Repaired:	0
	CSI Manifest Repaired:	0
	CSI Payload Repaired:	0
	CSI Store Metadata refreshed:	True

Total Operation Time: 1837 seconds.

2017-01-20 09:09:31, Info                  CBS    CheckSur: hrStatus: 0x0 [S_OK], download Result: 0x0 [S_OK]
2017-01-20 09:09:31, Info                  CBS    Count of times corruption detected: 0

Looks like DISM doesn't detect anything.

Let's replace the corrupt manifest, then run SFC.

SFCFix Script

Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop.
  2. Download the file below, SFCFix.zip, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named SFCFix.zip - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCFix.zip.
  5. Drag the file SFCFix.zip onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please - put [CODE][/CODE] tags around the log to break up the text.

View attachment SFCFix.zip

SFC Scan

  1. Click on the Start
    button and in the search box, type Command Prompt
  2. When you see Command Prompt on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  3. When command prompt opens, copy and paste the following commands into it, press enter after each

    sfc /scannow

    Wait for this to finish before you continue

    copy %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log %userprofile%\Desktop\cbs.txt

  4. This will create a file, cbs.txt on your Desktop. Please zip and attach this to your next post.
View attachment cbs.zip
SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2017-01-20 13:06:16.484
Microsoft Windows 10 Build 14393 - amd64
Using .zip script file at C:\Users\Jessica\Desktop\SFCFix.zip [0]

Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\manifests\amd64_45bd738439fd2ca45a73d4351107fb20_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.321_none_337acd5f29219ce6.manifest

Successfully copied file C:\Users\Jessica\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\winsxs\manifests\amd64_45bd738439fd2ca45a73d4351107fb20_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.321_none_337acd5f29219ce6.manifest to C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\manifests\amd64_45bd738439fd2ca45a73d4351107fb20_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.321_none_337acd5f29219ce6.manifest.

Successfully restored ownership for C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\manifests\amd64_45bd738439fd2ca45a73d4351107fb20_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.321_none_337acd5f29219ce6.manifest
Successfully restored permissions on C:\WINDOWS\winsxs\manifests\amd64_45bd738439fd2ca45a73d4351107fb20_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.321_none_337acd5f29219ce6.manifest
PowerCopy:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 1 datablocks.
Finish time: 2017-01-20 13:06:18.984
Script hash: su0rrQs727ahqNPV4hMwj/hMeqCdffE4CIa37oEYq40=

Glad to help!

I'll mark the thread solved. If you encounter any problems, please post back and I will continue to assist you.