- Aug 22, 2015
- 16
Here you go. Hope this helps:
It seems there are high interrupts in your storage subsystem. Even though there are many factors that could cause this, I would start with installing the latest version of Intel RST driver, as the system is using default Windows storage driver instead of the one provided by the chipset vendor.
Okay, thanks for identifying that. How would I go about installing the new drivers? I've done the setup for Intel RST and I've downloaded the ZIP file with the driver files but I don't know what to do with them. This may seem very obvious but I'm terrible with computers haha.
Download SetupRST.exe from the link I have provided and run the setup. Reboot the computer afterwards. See if the issue persists and if it does, provide a new trace.
Do I need to activate RAID at all in BIOS? I remember seeing that there when I was using BIOS to overclock my RAM.
No, it is not related.
It didn't fix the sound stuttering
Here is the new trace: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D64E8DF2EC1DCB59!107&authkey=!AG7UkOjJI0kc2Wo&ithint=file,rar