
Sysnative Staff
Jun 7, 2012
You know when you have something you really want to write a post about, but you don't have a crash dump for it? Debugger problems. Fortunately enough for me, I searched Google for a live crash dump link and found one. Happy days! Thanks to this person from four or so years ago for their crash dump :~)

Let's take a look at our basic bug check information in this case.

An exception happened while executing a system service routine.  
Arg1: [COLOR=#ff0000]00000000c0000005[/COLOR], Exception code that caused the bugcheck  
Arg2: [COLOR=#4b0082]fffff80002cc272d[/COLOR], Address of the instruction which caused the bugcheck  
Arg3: [COLOR=#000080]fffff8800a555070[/COLOR], Address of the context record for the exception that caused the bugcheck  
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.

As with most 0x3B's, our exception was specifically an access violation.

2: kd> ln fffff80002cc272d
(fffff800`02cc2590)  [COLOR=#ff0000] nt!KiDpcInterrupt+0x19d[/COLOR]   |  (fffff800`02cc2780)   nt!KiDpcInterruptBypass

The violation in this case specifically occurred in nt!KiDpcInterrupt+0x19d.

2: kd> .cxr [COLOR=#000080]0xfffff8800a555070[/COLOR];r
rax=0000000000000001 rbx=fffffa8006b24b60 rcx=0000000000000000
rdx=000001af00000000 rsi=0000000000000000 [COLOR=#4b0082]rdi=0000000000000003[/COLOR]
rip=fffff80002cc272d rsp=fffff8800a555a50 rbp=fffff8800a555ad0
 r8=0000000000000000  r9=0000000000000001 r10=0000000000000000
r11=0000000000000064 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000064 r15=000007ff00042020
iopl=0         nv up di pl zr na po nc
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010046
fffff800`02cc272d 0fae1f          [COLOR=#006400]stmxcsr dword ptr [rdi][/COLOR] ds:002b:00000000`00000003=????????

On the instruction we faulted on, we failed storing the contents of the MXCSR register within [rdi] (0000000000000003). We can certainly imagine 00000000`00000003 is completely invalid, so therein lies our problem.

So, why are we hitting a pagefault within a DPC interrupt? Good question! Let's run the following:

!chkimg -lo 50 -db -v !nt

!chkimg compares an image with its original copy. More specifically, it does this by comparing the image of an executable file in memory to the copy of the file that resides on a symbol store.

The -lo 50 parameter limits the number of output lines to 50. Not too much and not too little.

The -db parameter displays mismatched areas in a format that is similar to the db debugger command. Therefore, each display line shows the address of the first byte in the line, followed by up to 16 hexadecimal byte values. The byte values are immediately followed by the corresponding ASCII values. All nonprintable characters, such as carriage returns and line feeds, are displayed as periods (.). The mismatched bytes are marked by an asterisk (*).

The -v parameter displays extra verbose information.

!nt is the module, which is of course the kernel.

2: kd> !chkimg -lo 50 -db -v !nt  
Searching for module with expression: !nt  
Will apply relocation fixups to file used for comparison  
Will ignore NOP/LOCK errors  
Will ignore patched instructions  
Image specific ignores will be applied  
Comparison image path: [COLOR=#000080]c:\localsymbols\ntkrnlmp.exe\4A5BC6005dd000\ntkrnlmp.exe [/COLOR] 
No range specified

Above we can see that as I noted above, it's comparing the kernel image from the crash dump to the latest symbol stored on my local symbol cache. If it wasn't available locally, it'd grab it from the symbol server.

Scanning section:    [COLOR=#006400].text[/COLOR]
Size: 1685025
Range to scan: fffff80002c06000-fffff80002da1621
Total bytes compared: 1685025(100%)
Number of errors: [COLOR=#ff0000]40[/COLOR]

So we have 40 errors specifically in the .text section of the kernel that was scanned.

fffff80002cc2680  19  b9  01  00  00  00  44 [B]*44[/B]  22  c1  fb  e8  80  17  f9 [B]*48[/B] ......DD"......H
fffff80002cc2690  fa  b9  00  00  00  00  44 [B]*45[/B]  22  c1  65  48  8b  0c  25 [B]*34[/B] ......DE".eH..%4
fffff80002cc26a0  01  00  00  f7  01  00  00 [B]*25[/B]  40  74  25  f6  41  02  02 [B]*85[/B] .......%@t%.A...
fffff80002cc26b0  0e  e8  8a  68  05  00  65 [B]*8b[/B]  8b  0c  25  88  01  00  00 [B]*48[/B] ...h..e...%....H
fffff80002cc2700  8b  55  d8  4c  8b  4d  d0 [B]*ba[/B]  8b  45  c8  48  8b  55  c0 [B]*00[/B] .U.L.M...E.H.U..
fffff80002cc2710  8b  4d  b8  48  8b  45  b0 [B]*07[/B]  8b  e5  48  8b  ad  d8  00 [B]*89 [/B].M.H.E....H.....
fffff80002cc2720  00  48  81  c4  e8  00  00 [B]*ff[/B]  0f  01  f8  48  cf  0f  ae [B]*1f[/B] .H.........H....
fffff80002cc2730  ac  0f  28  45  f0  0f  28 [B]*4c[/B]  00  0f  28  55  10  0f  28 [B]*40[/B] ..(E..(L..(U..(@
fffff80002cc2880  24  10  48  89  74  24  18 [B]*38[/B]  89  64  24  20  48  8b  f9 [B]*00[/B] $.H.t$.8.d$ H...
fffff80002cc2890  8b  d1  49  8b  f0  4c  8b [B]*15[/B]  49  83  e9  11  48  83  ea [B]*01[/B] ..I..L..I...H...
fffff80002cc28a0  4c  8b  da  48  8b  ef  bb [B]*8b [/B] 00  00  00  49  3b  f1  0f [B]*48[/B] L..H.......I;..H
fffff80002cc28b0  c1  05  00  00  49  3b  fb [B]*48[/B]  83  b8  05  00  00  8a  06 [B]*e8[/B] ....I;.H........
fffff80002cc2900  a8  20  0f  85  e6  03  00 [B]*90[/B]  8a  56  06  88  57  05  a8 [B]*44[/B] . .......V..W..D
fffff80002cc2910  0f  85  69  04  00  00  8a [B]*41[/B]  07  88  57  06  a8  80  0f [B]*ec[/B] ..i....A..W.....
fffff80002cc2920  db  04  00  00  8a  56  08 [B]*f9[/B]  57  07  48  83  c6  09  48 [B]*ba[/B] .....V..W.H...H.
fffff80002cc2930  c7  08  e9  74  ff  ff  ff [B]*24[/B]  3b  fd  0f  87  b8  00  00 [B]*05[/B] ...t...$;.......
fffff80002cc2980  f3  a4  49  8b  f4  48  83 [B]*8b[/B]  01  a8  02  0f  85  81  00 [B]*83[/B] ..I..H..........
fffff80002cc2990  00  8a  56  02  88  57  01 [B]*49[/B]  04  0f  85  40  01  00  00 [B]*f2[/B] ..V..W.I...@....
fffff80002cc29a0  56  03  88  57  02  a8  08 [B]*3a[/B]  85  f1  01  00  00  8a  56 [B]*48[/B] V..W...:......VH
fffff80002cc29b0  88  57  03  a8  10  0f  85 [B]*00[/B]  02  00  00  8a  56  05  88 [B]*8b[/B] .W..........V...

Assuming I am correct (which I hopefully am), every 8th and 16th bit of each byte are no good (as if it's striding through the data). This is known as a stride corruption pattern.


It's a characteristic of address line issues that occur somewhere between going in/out of RAM. Despite the display evidence thus far, we cannot jump to a faulty RAM conclusion as much as we'd like to. Perhaps we'd like to assume that the selector which controls these lines is faulty, so any byte stored in these lines is going to have invalid 8th and 16th bits. This would mean faulty RAM, however, in debugging we must always be sure to check everything before doing something such as outright replacing the RAM, even though we could defend and say that a Memtest would be just fine as well.

A similar memory corruption pattern is misaligned IP (instruction pointer). Not going into that in this post, but it's also another one you need to be 100% sure is not a simple buffer overflow as opposed to faulty RAM. Do note that WinDbg is not smarter than we are and assumes that a misaligned IP is a hardware problem.

Enough blabbering, onto what I am trying to get to...


MOM.exe, what are you doing here? By the way, MOM.exe is AMD/ATI's Catalyst Control Center (CCC) monitoring software. It's not malware, or an actual mother.


You normally don't see this process involved with a crash too often, and with this said, I did some digging in the modules list to see if any 3rd party software may have caused conflicts.

2: kd> lmvm rtcore64  
start       end         module name  
fffff880`0859b000 fffff880`085a1000  RTCore64  (deferred)         
   Image path: \??\[COLOR=#000080]C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\RTCore64.sys [/COLOR] 
   Image name: [COLOR=#4b0082]RTCore64.sys[/COLOR]  
   Timestamp:    Wed May 25 02:39:12 [COLOR=#ff0000]2005  [/COLOR]

Oh my... MSI AB driver from 2005 on an x64 Windows 7 box! The horror.

So, today's lesson summed up is - If you're going to actually use MSI Afterburner (the horror), be sure to keep it up to date so you don't upset mother <\badjoke> and make her crash by causing stride corruption.

Thanks for reading!
Last edited:
I've never bothered trying the !chkimg extension with -v parameter before, thanks Patrick.
When I come upon a 0xc5 exception (memory access violation) and it names NT or other Microsoft driver, I request the OP to run Driver Verifier.

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