In response to the original post, how does the system perform after doing a clean boot?
Thanks for the post regarding Chrome settings. I changed my settings accordingly.
There was no difference in performance when I did a Clean Boot.. Of note, there are two Windows splash screens at startup with one saying Please Wait....and the other being the Welcome screen. While the 'Please Wait' screen will normally just flash on your screen and the Welcome screen lasting a second or two, on my slowed down system 'Please Wait' is visible for 8 to 10 seconds and the 'Welcome' splash screen lasts 34-36 seconds. Also, it takes on aver 20 seconds for 'Shutdown'.
Other noticeable changes:
1. Any item on the Desktop that I right click and then click Properties, the Properties window will open instantaneously with the exception of right My Computer. Its Properties window takes a minimum of 20 seconds to open.
2. Depending on the program, it takes 10-15 seconds for any program to launch after its shortcut has been clicked.
3. I attempted a System Restore back to a date that I know for a fact that the system was operating normally. Each time I try I get the error message "Failure Configuring Windows Updates" and the restore fails with everythin reverting back to the current, slowed-down system.
4. Web-pages have never been slow to load. Regardless of browser used it takes approx 5-6 seconds for pages to load.