Hey Will,
I take breaks at 9:45 - 10AM, Lunch is at 11:45AM to 12:15 PM, and our final break is 1:45PM to 2PM PST. Chapters 7 & 8 are 85%+ as well. They're chapter tests, sort of 'previews' to what you ascertained from the chapter. I don't take my A+ test till November, I wanted ample time to study for it. I figured, if I can ace the Chapters 1 - 6 Exam, and the 7 - 12 Exam, and then the Preview Exam for Overall, I'd take the Final, and if i passed that, i get to take the final.
I read for a bit, and if I can, check my email or read SysNative News 
It would be incredibly hard to write out everything, because its all in large chunks of paragraphs, I can always give it a try.