W2K19-KB5053596 failing with 0x800f0985


New member
Jun 7, 2024
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Error CSI 00000271 (F) Component directory missing for Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Mitigations-C1, version 10.0.17763.6766, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}.[gle=0x80004005]
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Error CSI 00000272@2025/3/24:12:18:23.081 (F) onecore\base\wcp\componentstore\storelayout.cpp(2044): Error 800f0983 [Warning,Facility=15 (0x000f),Code=2435 (0x0983)] originated in function ComponentStore::CRawStoreLayout::HydrateFileUsingForwardAndReverseDeltas expression: ((SCODE) (((unsigned long)(1)<<31) | ((unsigned long)(15)<<16) | ((unsigned long)(0x983))) )
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Error CSI 00000273@2025/3/24:12:18:23.088 (F) onecore\base\wcp\rtllib\win32lib\delta_library.cpp(287): Error NTSTATUS_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA) originated in function Windows::Rtl::DeltaDecompressBuffer expression: g_pfnApplyDeltaB(( (DELTA_FLAG_TYPE)0x00000000 ), ReferenceInput, CompressedInput, &UncompressedOutput)
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Error CSI 00000274 (F) Hydration failed with original error NTSTATUS_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA) . Delta Type: 0 , IntegrityState Valid: true , RetrievedChecksum: 2413134167 , ComputedChecksum: 2413134167[gle=0x80004005]
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Error CSI 00000275@2025/3/24:12:18:23.089 (F) onecore\base\wcp\deltahydrator\deltahydrator.cpp(60): Error 800f0985 [Warning,Facility=15 (0x000f),Code=2437 (0x0985)] originated in function DeltaHydrator::`anonymous-namespace'::GetPsfxSpecificError expression: ((SCODE) (((unsigned long)(1)<<31) | ((unsigned long)(15)<<16) | ((unsigned long)(0x985))) )
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Error CSI 00000276 (F) Hydration failed for component Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Mitigations-C1, version 10.0.17763.6766, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35} on file sysmain.sdb with NTSTATUS -2146498171[gle=0x80004005]
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Error CSI 00000277@2025/3/24:12:18:23.090 (F) Attempting to mark store corrupt with category [l:18 ml:19]'CorruptPayloadFile'[gle=0x80004005]
2025-03-24 13:18:23, Info CSI 00000278 Hashes for file member [l:11]'sysmain.sdb' do not match.
Expected: {l:32 ml:4096 b:d94e6fd866be12cdb994d164388537de6d1ce838865e48742fb352322241ac6c}.
Actual: {l:32 b:305e0ed3b957c8c582e4ac7699462d245e1e58cc8fc64409a0e96615b00f7e16}.


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