• Still running Windows 7 or earlier? Support for Windows 7 ended on January 14th 2020. Please review the thread here for more details.

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That requirement is one that various OEMs interpret in different ways - Samsung appears to have the worst attitude, and Dell the best, so far as backup/Recovery disks are concerned.

Samsung's apparent stance is that providing the OS on DVD would constitute piracy - so they refuse to do so under any circumstances.

Dell will overnight you a set of disks for an in-warranty machine at the drop of a hat - for free. Out-of-warranty machine disks may cost a little, but not much.

Acer charged £50 in the UK for my Vista disks (or at least tried to - I told them where they could shove it!)

ASUS apparently will only provide disks for in-warranty machines......

....and so on.
