[SOLVED] Problem with Windows Updates


Sysnative Staff, Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 12, 2015

Corrine from Landzdown Forum suggested to register here for a problem I have with some specific Windows Updates.

You can see here the steps I followed till now: Change the display language in Office 2010

Here is the SFCFIX log:

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2015-02-12 20:43:01.025
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SUMMARY: No corruptions were detected.
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2015-02-12 20:45:17.921

I tried to attach the CBS zip file but I don't know if it is ok. I clicked on upload, wait some minutes, but nothing happened. I apologize for this... If you please could give me some help for this...

Thank you in advance.
Hi DR M, and a warm welcome to Sysnative :)

Your CBS folder is likely larger than the maximum upload size of 7MB, so we'll use our custom upload system so you can send it to us.

SFCFix CBS Collection

  1. Download SFCFix.exe using the following link and save the tool to your Desktop: [sfcfixdownload]Download SFCFix[/sfcfixdownload]
  2. Download SFCFixScript.txt and save this to your Desktop as well: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u...ts/~Generic/Collect/CBS/SFCFixScript.txt?dl=1
  3. On your Desktop, you should now see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCFixScript.txt.
  4. Drag the file SFCFixScript.txt onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  5. SFCFix will now begin to upload your CBS logfiles to our server.

Kind regards,
Thank you, Stephen.

I followed your instructions and you must now have my data.
Hmmm, for some reason the upload failed. I will speak to the developer about that and try to get it resolved.

For now, can you please zip up the CBS folder and upload it to a file sharing site such as OneDrive or Dropbox.



Unfortunately I don't use Dropbox or One Drive, although I have them installed. If the problem persists, I will try use one of them, but tomorrow.

Thank you for your help.

OK. You could use another free filesharing service (e.g. Box, Mega or MediaFire) if you wish, or I can wait until tomorrow. :) I'm flexible, so just use whatever is convenient for you.

Panos, since you have my email address, try sending the zip file to me and I'll attach it for you.
Hi Panos,

Looking over your previous thread it seems that it is a .NET update failing. Is that still correct? The log files aren't showing any immediate errors that I can see.

That means we're going to need some more information! Can you please follow the instructions here: Instructions to collect .NET Framework 4 and Visual Studio 2010 setup logs - VarunGupta - Site Home - MSDN Blogs. Once collect.exe has finished, can you please zip up and upload the following file: %TEMP%\vslogs.cab. If it's more than 7MB, you'll need to upload it somewhere else, like OneDrive.

Can you also upload this log: C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log

Hello DR M :)

Since this is a .net Framework installation issue, I'll be taking over the thread from Stephen. I've got more experience with this sort of Windows Update failure.

I just want to slip an extra step into Stephen's instructions, following this KB Article. Linked here is an article which details how to enable or disable verbose Windows Installer logging. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/223300

I want you to:
1) Enable verbose Windows Installer logging (use the Fix-It at the above link)
2) Re-run Windows Update. Try to install any updates you are offered.
3) Download the KB update in question and try to install it manually: Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Offline Installer) for Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 from Official Microsoft Down
4) Disable verbose Windows Installer logging using the matched pair Fix-It from the link I provided.
5) Follow Stephen's instructions to run collect.exe and upload both %temp%\vslogs.cab and C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log.

.net issues are sometimes quite difficult to fix. If it's Windows Installer store corruption we don't have a chance. If it's most other things a forced uninstall will do the trick - but we first need to check whether there's anything which could make the situation more complicated or unstable. In such a situation we have to attempt a fix, and it's a bit hit and miss as to whether your error will be fixable or not. Still, we'll hope for the best. With any luck the logfiles will reveal some useful information we can make use of.

Fingers crossed :)

Hi, Corrine, Stephen and Richard. Thank you all for your help.

No new update has been installed, after followed 1, 2 and 3 steps above. I got a message about a fatal error, once more.

Here is the link from collect.exe:
If you can not open the rar file, tell me so I will upload the two folders in it.

And the Windows update log file:
I forgot to mention that the two problematic updates are:
Thank you very much for this. There's an *awful* lot of stuff going on in those logs, with the errors pointing every which-way. If half of that's to be believed, you've got some nasty corruption going on. But....I'm not certain I do believe it quite.

First off - have you been running in Safe Mode recently? There are some entries in there indicative of service errors. However, those service errors could have been caused if you booted into Safe Mode recently. If you haven't though, we need to get digging. If you have, we can put those to one side.

Next, how much free space do you have on your disk drive? And have you ever had a low space condition recently? First, 643 itself can be caused by free space issues. Second, errors pointing every which way can indicate a free space issues: the installation gets to a slightly different point each time before running out. Third, .net updates are infamous for requiring a good couple of GB of free space. Fourth, free space issues are becoming more common with the rise of SSDs taking drive letter C:\. So please let me know precisely how much you have on drive C:\ at the moment and whether you've had this issue recently.

...However, saying all that, my personal belief is that you don't have a free space issue, and you never have had one. But I want to check the obvious things first lest we look very silly if it turns out to be them :p

The next thing I want to note though is that this installation is actually failing during the initial extraction and setup stages - not during the actual installation. This in fact is usually a good sign: failure during installation means corruption on components which already exist on your PC (bad). Failure during extraction means free space issue (I don't think that's the case here but I'll check anyway), or a cache corruption - i.e. by some bad luck the installer downloaded/extracted a file incorrectly first time round, and now keeps on re-using those bad files, or something more complex is going on. In fact, I think it's actually the latter - you appear to be running into a known issue. I've seen it once before, although back then it manifested itself in a very slightly different way to your PC. However, there's plenty of information online I've dug out now and for the one other time I've seen this, so let's get started.

First up, let's try the Microsoft solution for their own problem. Install this update: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3000988
restart your computer and re-try Windows Update.

If that doesn't do the job, uninstall (Removing an update - Windows Help) all of the following updates:
KB3000988 (the one you've just installed if it wasn't installed already EDIT: clarification: I mean for you to uninstall this update regardless of whether or not it was already installed. That wasn't very clear initially.)

Then restart your computer, refresh Windows Update and retry KB3001652 and KB2901983. Then, if they install, restart your computer again and re-install any further updates which are offered to you (including any of the ones we've just uninstalled - if I've diagnosed the issue right, you've got v1 of those updates. Microsoft have re-released them now, so there's no harm in reinstalling them, we just needed to get the stuck and broken ones off your system before installing a nice clean copy of the new versions.

Really good luck with this - fingers crossed! :)

Last edited:
I forgot to mention that the two problematic updates are:

Thank you :)

Can you tell me anything about Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile for Windows 7 x64-based Systems (KB982670)? I'm seeing that one in the logs a fair amount. It could be packaged inside one of the others though - that's for me to investigate, I just want to know whether you recognise it.
Hi, Richard!!

I'm really excited!!!!! Finally, updates have been installed!!! All of them!!!!

But I let's start from the beginning:

1. Yes, I used Safe mode, when I was trying uninstall and reinstall the frameworks.

2. I have 512 gb free space on my disc drive. I never had space issue with this computer.

3. I tried to install KB3000988, but I got the message that it was already installed. Note that I couldn't download it from my Pale Moon, but only when I tried from Internet Explorer.

4. I uninstalled the three updates as you told me and restart.

5. I first tried to installed the KB3001652. Succeeded!!!

6. Then I had to install .NET 4 (KB982670), and not 4.5.2. Succeeded!!!

7. Restarted and then installed KB2901983. Succeeded!!!

8. Restarted and then installed three other updates: KB2918614, KB2798162, KB3008627. All have been installed!!!

That's all from me!!!

I will wait for further instructions!!!! :dance:

That's incredible news! I am so happy for you Panos :)

I have nothing further I need to do if you have no further issues. If you haven't already, make sure to disable verbose Windows Installer logging and delete any leftover files from the various fixes from your Desktop/Documents folder.

Otherwise, it's been a pleasure to work with you!

Thank you so so so much for your help, Richard!


Panos :wave:

I hope that this problem never occur again!!!!
We'll always be here if you need us though - but hopefully you never will :) Take care!

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