[SOLVED] Window 10 Ver 1607 (anniversary) Update - Various issues and findings


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2016
Hi everybody, Updated Ver.1511 to Ver1607. on my Win 10 Pro LOCAL LOGON Account PC. What a nightmare!

I have some Win Event Errors I need some help with please near the end of this long post . First, I will report other issues I had and resolved (or worked around) to help others or so the experts here can tell me if not good methods used by me and what I should have done :smile9:

1) First it took hours to download and go though the whole process

2) Then the Update Process reported "We could not could not update the System Reserved partition..." Insufficient space seemed to be the issue (cannot remember exact message). My System Reserved Partition was 100mb (always has been) and on checking I found it did not have much free space. I used MiniTool Partition Wizard FREE 9.1 and reduced my C: (System) partition by 250MB and increased the System Reserved Partition by 250MB to 350 MB (I had read Win 10 & Win 8.1 with clean installs change System Reserved to 350MB automatically as default. I'm sceptical about that, as a Win 10 clean install a year ago clearly did not do that. Anyway, now it was 350mb Win 10 updated without further issue. Interestingly, when I looked to see how much of the System Reserved Partition was NOW being used it is under the original 100MB (85.1MB used so what was the issue I have to wonder).

3) I had many NEW Win Event Errors appear consistently at each logon or randomly at other times (with Win 10 Ver 1511 I was down to just one duplicated Cortana ID10016 Error).

4) I found that the Update had changed some settings I had previously made (Ver. 1511 did the same (VERY ANNOYING having to keep reinventing the wheel every major Win 10 update - not to mention recording changes so I can remember what I did previously).

5)I ran sfc /scannow which I am delighted to say found no issues that needed fixing.

6) I then hit a major snag that took me hours to solve. As I had already done an "Aomie Backupper Standard" backup of my C: drive immediately before I Updated to Ver 1607, I decided to delete the old backup folder and files (Windows.old). I correctly went into C: properties and selected Disk Clean-up and let it do its normal business. After it had finished I was SHOCKED to see Windows.old folder STILL there. All files within it had been deleted EXCEPT 2 paths and same file "point64.sys". I could not manually delete them the files were reported as being used. WELL DONE MS, your update left the system using 2 files in your own backup of the previous version instead of the correct paths. On checking online I see this is not an unknown issue and has been reported many times (about time MS dealt with this known issues). NOTHING I tried would delete these files. Online posts suggested success in the past moving the files to the equivalent path on the system. I checked that mine were were identical which they were and then tried that. Success with one but NOT the other. Unlocker and EMCO MoveOnBoot v2 were not able to delete the remaining file by rebooting PC and deleting before logon (I have no idea why not - maybe Windows 10 was already partly loaded at the stage they tried to delete - I'm only guessing as I'm far from not an expert). I FINALLY resolved the issue by asking EMCO MoveOnBoot v2 to MOVE the remaining file in Windows.old to its equivalent path on C:. Once again it rebooted the PC BUT this time Move worked (where delete had failed - really strange). After logon I was delighted to see the file had finally gone and I was able to delete Windows.old.

Does MS really believe Joe Average is going to work out how to fix such issues as in 2) and 6). They should of course NOT need to. What really worries me is that had the two files NOT been identical in Windows.old and the C:Windows.... paths then the Move workaround could not have been made by me or anybody.

6) I am pleased to note "regedit.exe" now seems OK and does not freeze on a full registry search. With Win Ver 1511 I had to copy the original launch version's regedit.exe to C:\Windows overwriting the newer. (of course every sfc /scannow run would change it back to the newer). I do not know if now truly fixed, or whether there are now no very long paths in the registry (which I understand was the cause of the freezing with Win 10 Ver 1511's regedit.exe)

7) After looking at many Win Start Menu "Settings" to adjust back and to look at new features I suddenly noticed I was seeing on the Settings> Windows Update page a red text entry "Your insider preview build settings need attention. Go to Windows Insider Program to fix this issue." and a blue small text link below it "Windows Insider Programme settings”.
Other updaters to Ver 1607 have also run into this issue. Many, like me, had never been on the Insider Preview Programme nor, signed up nor, downloaded any Insider versions of Win 10. An online poster noted that this message appears if a person clicks on the left menu "Windows Insider Programme" Link. The Workaround solution in (v1607 Insider Preview build settings need attention - Windows 10 Forums) was by eddward #5. Essentially, go into Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\UI\Strings (make an export backup -just in case) and delete values. I chose to only delete two Data values text for “DiagnosticErrorText” and “DiagnosticLinkText as that seemed adequate.

The important thing to remember (until/IF) fixed by MS) is NOT to click on the left menu "Windows Insider Programme" link because if so, the Registry entries will automatically be restored and the erroneous messages and associated link will reappear

IMHO it really is not good enough that such basic and easy to find NEW Update issues such as this crept into Release. One has to wonder if MS puts too much effort in put into new features, cross platform and new monitoring and not enough into Error Checking and testing before release. Anyway moving on.

8) After update I kept getting 4 Win Event Error messages every time at logon (only). 3 which I will discuss here in 8) as all are related to "Windows Search". See next 3 images
Win10 Ver 1607 Event Error ID3007 Search (05-08-16).jpgWin10 Ver 1607 Event Error ID3006 Search (05-08-16).jpgWin10 Ver 1607 Event Error ID10021 Search (05-08-16).jpg

I tried reducing Windows Search folders (via Indexing options) No luck.
I tried re-indexing No luck.
In the end I gave up and did a negative workaround (I really hate doing negative solutions). I disabled Windows Search via services.msc. To be honest this is no loss to me at all as I never used Windows Search in Win 7 or Win 10 to date (although it was still active in Ver. 1511. I have Classic Start Menu and it seems to be everything I need (and what IMO "Windows Search" is not).

The reason I did not Windows Search in Win 10 (maybe I was doing something wrong or Cortana leftover/tentacles interfered -disabled by me as NEVER wanted and was not able to be used in my location) was that if I searched on "regedit" it never found regedit.exe. It only found it if I typed in regedit.exe. It kept giving me Best match "O&O RegEditor (Portable)" which is a "Start Menu> Programs shortcut ". I do not like Best match as much too limited. I want all matches (hence why I use "Everything" and "MasterSeeker"). I really love "Everything" BUT it has a limitation currently that it does not find hard links so it will not find regedit.exe in C"\Windows\ whereas MasterSeeker will find it (but not the source entry file). I find all I need using these two apps. What I'd really like to know is why those two 3rd party apps index ALL my partitions SO FAST whilst Windows Search via Indexing Options takes forever with much less paths. I am hoping the experts here may have an answer I have not realized/considered so I can understand.

Anyway back to the 3 Search Errors. After disabling "Windows Search" none or them have reappeared since (not really surprising). I'd love to know how I should have fixed the issues correctly though, so Windows search did not require disabling to avoid them please

I had several CAP12 Errors randomly appearing. This had also appeared in my Win 10 ver 1511 after I resloved a VSS issue, and I had resolved with an online fix which no doubt was reset by Ver 1607. Luckily, the fix works with Ver. 1607. To end CAP12 errors I used the previously installed "Sysinternals AccessChk (x64 version)". In the Command Window (Run as Administrator) I ran:
"C:\Program Files\AccessChk (Sysinternals)\accesschk64.exe" -v -c mslldp
it showed last few lines of report as:

I then ran in the Command Window: The following is ALL One Line (there’s NO new line or carriage return between sc sdset MSLLDP & the rest - only a single space)
sc sdset MSLLDP D:(D;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BG)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;SY)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SO)(A;;LCRPWP;;;S-1-5-80-3141615172-2057878085-1754447212-2405740020-3916490453)(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-80-242729624-280608522-2219052887-3187409060-2225943459)

I then reran "C:\Program Files\AccessChk (Sysinternals)\accesschk64.exe" -v -c mslldp and NOW the last few lines have additions:

Now I do not claim to understand ANY of this or how or why it works BUT IT DOES. To be honest much of my problem solving is what I learn online or, copy exactly when I understand what I need to do but not the logic.

9) I was having performance counter issues ID 1008 Perflib Errors “The Open Procedure for service "BITS" in DLL "C:\Windows\System32\bitsperf.dll" failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the error code.” I did find that I could stop these by using the old utility "Resource Kit exctrlst.exe" which I found an downloaded. It essentially lists performance counters and amongst other things allowed me to UNTICK monitoring BITS (which I think would have been fine as never caused any issues when I saw that Error in Win 10 Ver 1511 for a time). I HOWEVER tried another online suggestion instead namely in the Command Window (Run as Administrator) I ran

cd c:\Windows\System32
lodctr /R
cd c:\Windows\SysWOW64
lodctr /R

(Strange, because when I tried this first time it did not work but twenty mins later when I came back the commands DID work).

There was another line (WINMGMT.EXE /RESYNCPERF) but not mentioned in all posts I found on the subject but I I decided not to run it, as most posts related to older Win O/Ss anyway. I then stopped and restarted the service.

Anyway the above (or a combination of some of my other actions) fixed that issue (AND a seemingly related Error showing up in PerfMon Reports.)

10) CDP (is that Connect Devices Platform?). Error I do not know how to resolve and need advice. Some now gone Errors seemed to suggest CDPsvc was related and causing some errors. The image below seems related to CDP as well and is the only one I still have that always appears at every logon.

Win10 Ver 1607 Event Error ID10016 DistributedCOM (05-08-16).jpg

AFTER taking ownership of {F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169} in the registry using RegOwnershipEx (Winaero), I went into Component services> Computers> My Computer>DCOM Config> {F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169}> Properties> Security Tab and immediately I noticed an Unknown Account, see image. Rightly or wrongly :noidea:I decided to DELETE the entry as it seemed erroneous and pointless. Deletion however made no difference to the Error message shown above appearing at every logon. I would appreciate advice whether deletion was a safe or unsafe decision as no doubt I can recreate it necessary
DCOM Config entry (06-08-16).jpg

(LATER OBSERVATION: May be a Red Herring but I have just noticed an enrty in service.msc Services (local) Name: CDPUserSvc_41989 Description: <Failed to Read Description. Error Code: 5100> has now gone).

I found online that many others are reporting this Error after updating to Win 10 Ver. 1607 and on the Window TEN Forums Local Activation Permission - Windows 10 Forums a poster (thecaretaker) #5 suggested deleting the Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT_APPID {F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169} as it had worked for him with not obvious issues. Another suggested set ownership to SYSTEM (I cannot find URL or post now - sorry).

What I hope is someone can tell me what is the correct thing to do to resolve and also what on Earth is CDPsvc and its various tentacles.
As I have a Home PC with one PC sharing my Modem but the two PCs are NOT connected on a network or sharing anything else whether I can just delete the APPID (as suggested by one poster) or maybe Disable (via Service.msc) the Connected Devices Platform Service (if that would be best method to solve Error issue IF CDP and any or its others connected CLSIDs will never be used in my set up?

When I searched the Registry I found CLSID {8D8F4F83-3594-4F07-8369-FC3C3CAE4919} CPD Activity Store refers to APPID {F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169} (which is what my error is related to). I also found many other CLSIDs for CDP Media Handler, CDP Session Authenticator, CDP Touch Handler, CPD App Control Handler, CDP Resource Policy Broker, CDP Activity, CDP Remote Text Handler, CPD Web Account Provider Callback, referring to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT_APPID {F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169} as well.

My apologies for such a long post but I have added all in one post as ALL related to my updating to Win 10 Ver 1607 (Anniversary) Update and I have no idea which are interconnected or which or my actions to resolve may be interconnected. Additionally I am hoping some off the content will help other members/readers of this Forum.

Kind Regards to all
UPDATE on my ORIGINAL POST to 10) ID10016 DistributedCOM issue

I believe I have resolved this issue having today decided AGAIN investigate the Error which consistently appears at every Logon (and only at logon).

Based on various similar online posts in different sites, I took ownership of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169} in the Windows Registry using RegOwnershipEX (Winaero), I then went into Component services (comexp.msc) > Computers> My Computer>DCOM Config > {F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169}> (right clicked) Properties> (selected Tab) Security> In the "Launch and Activation permissions (top) section I clicked on “Edit” Button. I then clicked on “Add” Button> I typed in SYSTEM (as Win Event Error message says “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM …. Is not available”) and clicked on “OK” Button. This returned me to the Permissions List and I could see SYSTEM had now been added. I clicked on System and saw “Local Launch" box was automatically ticked. I then ALSO ticked “Local Activation” box as others Permissions had that box ticked.

To test if these actions had resolved the Windows Event ID 10016 DistributedCOM Error at every logon I did several “Shut Downs and started up of PC again and 1 Restart (warm) Reboot of PC. The ID 10016 Error did NOT appear on any of these PC reboots, so it's looking very promising that this issue has now been resolved satisfactorily.:smile9:

To finally clean up I reran RegOwnershipEX (Winaero) and RESTORED the original Ownership Permission for the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{F72671A9-012C-4725-9D2F-2A4D32D65169} Registry entry.

Another issue on this anniversary update : mstsc.exe V. 10.0.14393.0 won't run rdp files.

I've replace it with previous version (and mstscax.dll) at C:\Windows\System32\ but this solution is dirty .
Another issue on this anniversary update : mstsc.exe V. 10.0.14393.0 won't run rdp files.

I've replace it with previous version (and mstscax.dll) at C:\Windows\System32\ but this solution is dirty .

That's interesting I am sure for many. I would not find any issues like this because luckily for me, mine is a Home PC, not on a network and I do not run remote apps. Your "workaround" is very similar to what users of Win 10 Ver. 1511 had to do (for too many months) when its version of Regedit.exe would freeze during searches ( I have read to sue to coming across a path that was too long in the Registry) but the original Win 10 regedit.exe installed instead of it worked. It is sad MS takes so long sorting out what is well reported by users.

MS with Win 10 gather data "like there is no tomorrow" and people also report many quite common issues on the MS Community and other major Forums supporting Windows 10 and yet MS behave like they are an Island and as if unaware of those issues or, as if common well reported User issues being resolved speedily is low on their priority list these days. MS rarely seem to acknowledge issues or advise when/if they plan to have a solution for frustrated users. These days its very difficult to find out (if at all) what updates are actually addressing/or fixing. I feel like we Users and businesses are being treated on a "Need to Know' basis and that only MS developers and insiders need to know. I suppose this is what happens when there is no direct competition that can run the same 3rd party apps and games.

I still love MS products and have no intention of looking elsewhere (like Linux) but I admit if Win 10 is the last PC based OS stored locally that can be purchased outright on a one time basis (not subscription basis) then Win 10 will be my last OS from MS as I have no interest in Cross Platform, touchscreen apps or cloud storage or cloud based apps.
Tenforum's power user (and maestro) fdegrove just helped me with one problem regarding Connected Devices Platform Service - CDP User Service - CDPusersvc, but maybe we've kicked over a rock and there are creepy crawlies underneath. Maybe an onion of issues - a plethora of problems. (OK - I'll stop the mismatched metaphors.)

But there seem to be a bunch of issue-threads around the web regarding CDPusersvc, which might be Connected Devices Platform Service. Maybe this excellent forum and its power users can give us a global fix.

First, I got a particular error regarding "CDP Activity Store", and fdegrove walked me through the fix. See http://www.tenforums.com/performance...tml#post829280 and following posts. (But if you have the same issue, you really need to read that thread from the start.) So we fixed that 10016 error.

Second, I got a new error 10010 server timeout regarding "CDP User Service Notifications Host". See http://www.tenforums.com/performance...tml#post829730 and fdegrove's undoubtedly sage response in the same thread.

Third, I have another new Event Viewer error message with this CDP thingy.
This is my third separate error with CDP ! (By the way, I am assuming that "CDP" means "Connected Devices Platform", but please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Here it is:
Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Date: 10/2/2016 8:40:37 AM
Event ID: 7023
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: DESKTOP-3OLB09N
The Connected Devices Platform Service service terminated with the following error:
Unspecified error
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Service Control Manager" Guid="{555908d1-a6d7-4695-8e1e-26931d2012f4}" EventSourceName="Service Control Manager" />
<EventID Qualifiers="49152">7023</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-10-02T12:40:37.623587700Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="752" ThreadID="836" />
<Security />
<Data Name="param1">Connected Devices Platform Service</Data>
<Data Name="param2">%%2147500037</Data>

I like that - "Unspecified Error" !! Good one, Microsoft.

Fourth, there are other interesting threads around the web that indicate this is a new "feature" in the Anniversary update for Win 10, but it has its sinister aspects. See these two for example:
https://social.technet.microsoft.com...10itprogeneral Another web site (that's nasty in unrelated ways so I won't give the link) says the following, and I noticed he is right about the five random trailing digits in my own Services list:
Removing Telemetry and other unnecessary services

First, click start, type "Services" and open it. You will find a huge list of Windows Services, most of which are fine and safe, but others send data to Microsoft.
Find a service called CDPUserSvc_xxxxx, where xxxxx are 5 randomly generated character (yes, Windows is using literal malware techniques to prevent automated removal of this trash).​

Fifth, I cannot even start this service. I get the 7023 error messages in event viewer. When I go to services, I see that this is not running. When I try to start it, I get this error message:

So, will some of the experts here let us know what this CDP monster is, how to fix it and what to do with it?

Also, please comment on my Third and Fifth new errors above.

Thanks to all.

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