• Still running Windows 7 or earlier? Support for Windows 7 ended on January 14th 2020. Please review the thread here for more details.

High DPC Latency NDIS.SYS? Windows 7.

I've moved your thread to the Windows 7 forum.

It seems your DPC latency is coming from your Mytek driver. Which appears to be a firewire card.
Do you need this card?
If so, can you update the driver for it?

From this specific trace, there doesn't seem to be much happening regarding network functions.
Have the latest FW driver but have removed it and the issue persists. Latencymon shows it as NDIS.SYS and acpi.sys being the culprits.
When I unplug my ethernet cable or disable the built in port the issue disappears. Not a hardware issue as I dualboot Windows 8.1 and it's fine.
Only when you disconnect the network card?
Does disabling the firewire card any effect?

Have you updated your network driver?
If Latencymon is flagging NDIS as the culprit, then your network driver is most likely the cause.
I was probably wrong then, my apologies. Trace analysis isn't my expertise, Tomas is good with it.

What network card have you got? How new is the latest driver?
He should be able to, he's not online at the moment but I'll ask him.

Don't make new threads, I'll remove your new one, just stick to this and more help should come soon.
The issue is indeed in the network network. My first suggestion would be to install the latest drivers for your 82579V NIC. Anyhow, as you said you already have the latest driver installed, we can rule that out.

Would you mind disabling "TAP-Windows Adapter V9" adapter in the Device Manager to see if the issue persists?
xperf -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+PROFILE+INTERRUPT+DPC+DRIVERS+POWER+IDLE_STATES -stackwalk Profile -BufferSize 1024 -MinBuffers 256 -MaxBuffers 256 -MaxFile 256 -FileMode Circular

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