Get access to BIOS settings & Boot Menu: F-keys/Hotkeys by System Manufacturer (OEM)

Get access to BIOS settings & Boot Menu: F-keys/Hotkeys by System Manufacturer (OEM)


Hot keys for BootMenu / BIOS Settings

You may get to your Boot Menu or to your BIOS settings by using special specific keys.
Below is a list of PC brands with their corresponding hot-keys.
Manufacturer Type Models Boot Menu Boot Once BIOS Key(s) Change Priority
ACEREsc, F12, F9Del, F2
ACERnetbookAspireOne, Aspire TimelineF12F2
ACERnetbookAspire v3, v5, v7F12The "F12 Boot Menu" must be enabled in BIOS. It is disabled by default.F2
APPLEAfter 2006Option
AsrockDesktopCustom BuildF11DEL
ASUSnetbookEee PC 1025cEscF2Boot Tab, Boot Device Priority, 1st Boot Device, Removable Device, F10
COMPAQPresarioEsc, F9F10BIOS "Advanced Tab", Boot Order
DELLdesktopDimension, Inspiron, LatitudeF12Select "USB Flash Drive"F2
DELLdesktopInspiron One 2020, 2305, 2320, 2330 All-In-OneF12Select "USB Flash Drive"F2
DELLlaptopInspironF12Select "USB Storage Device"F2Settings->General->Boot Sequence->"USB Storage Device", then up arrow, [Apply]--[Exit]
DELLlaptopPrecisionF12Select "USB Storage Device" from boot menuF12
HPgenericEsc, F9Esc, F10, F1
HPdesktopMedia CenterEscF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive"
HPdesktopPavilion 23 All In OneEscSelect boot media from the menuF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive". For non-UEFI media, disable secure boot and enable legacy support
HPdesktopPavilion g6 and g7EscF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive"
HPdesktopPavilion HPE PC, h8-1287cEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPdesktopPavilion PC, p6 2317cEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPdesktopPavilion PC, p7 1297cbEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPdesktopTouchSmart 520 PCEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPlaptop2000EscSelect "Patriot Memory" on the Boot Option MenuEsc
HPnotebookPavilionEscF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive"
HPnotebookENVY dv6 and dv7 PCEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"EscF10 Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
LENOVOdesktopF12, F8, F10F1, F2
LENOVOlaptopF12F1, F2
LENOVOlaptopIdeaPad P500F12 or Fn + F11F2
SAMSUNGnetbookNC10EscF2Boot Tab, Select "Boot Device Priority", Press Return, Up/Down to Highlight, F6/F5 to change priority
SAMSUNGultrabookSeries 5 Ultra and Series 7 ChronosEscF2Boot Tab, Select "Boot Device Priority", Press Return, Up/Down to Highlight, F6/F5 to change priority
SONYVGN EscF10F2BIOS "BOOT" section, "External Device Boot" enabled
TOSHIBAProtege, Satellite, TecraF12F1, Esc
TOSHIBAEquium F12F12F12

List of PC brands with their corresponding hot-keys
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Re: BIOS + Boot Menu F-keys/ Hotkeys by System Manufacturer (OEM)

I note in most cases, if you watch carefully, the hot key will flash up on the screen at the beginning of the boot process. But you have to be quick to see this prompt, and often quicker to press the appropriate key before the opportunity times-out and passes you by.

Sadly, there is no industry standard for the hot key. If there were, I would vote for the Del key. Also, there is no standard location for where this prompt will be displayed at boot. So for me, it is often a "two boot" process. I boot once to look for the prompt, then reboot to have time to press it! :r1:

For those who build your computers, or have a custom built computer, here is a similar list by popular motherboards. I note most makers use the same 1 or 2 keys for all there boards.
Re: Get access to BIOS settings & Boot Menu: F-keys/Hotkeys by System Manufacturer (O

Gigabyte desktop, boot menu is f12 and bios is del.
Re: Get access to BIOS settings & Boot Menu: F-keys/Hotkeys by System Manufacturer (O

Asrock motherboards (custom build): DEL and F2 to enter the BIOS, F11 to pop up the boot menu. :)
Microsoft Surface devices are to press and continue to hold the Volume Up button when pressing power to turn the device on from off, and holding the Volume Up button until the UEFI menu appears.
Get access to BIOS settings & Boot Menu: F-keys/Hotkeys by System Manufacturer (OEM)


Hot keys for BootMenu / BIOS Settings

You may get to your Boot Menu or to your BIOS settings by using special specific keys.
Below is a list of PC brands with their corresponding hot-keys.
ManufacturerTypeModelsBoot MenuBoot OnceBIOS Key(s)Change Priority
ACEREsc, F12, F9Del, F2
ACERnetbookAspireOne, Aspire TimelineF12F2
ACERnetbookAspire v3, v5, v7F12The "F12 Boot Menu" must be enabled in BIOS. It is disabled by default.F2
APPLEAfter 2006Option
AsrockDesktopCustom BuildF11DEL
ASUSnetbookEee PC 1025cEscF2Boot Tab, Boot Device Priority, 1st Boot Device, Removable Device, F10
COMPAQPresarioEsc, F9F10BIOS "Advanced Tab", Boot Order
DELLdesktopDimension, Inspiron, LatitudeF12Select "USB Flash Drive"F2
DELLdesktopInspiron One 2020, 2305, 2320, 2330 All-In-OneF12Select "USB Flash Drive"F2
DELLlaptopInspironF12Select "USB Storage Device"F2Settings->General->Boot Sequence->"USB Storage Device", then up arrow, [Apply]--[Exit]
DELLlaptopPrecisionF12Select "USB Storage Device" from boot menuF12
HPgenericEsc, F9Esc, F10, F1
HPdesktopMedia CenterEscF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive"
HPdesktopPavilion 23 All In OneEscSelect boot media from the menuF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive". For non-UEFI media, disable secure boot and enable legacy support
HPdesktopPavilion g6 and g7EscF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive"
HPdesktopPavilion HPE PC, h8-1287cEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPdesktopPavilion PC, p6 2317cEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPdesktopPavilion PC, p7 1297cbEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPdesktopTouchSmart 520 PCEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"Esc F10Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
HPlaptop2000EscSelect "Patriot Memory" on the Boot Option MenuEsc
HPnotebookPavilionEscF10BIOS "Advanced" tab, Boot Order, Move "USB Device" before "Hard Drive"
HPnotebookENVY dv6 and dv7 PCEscThen F9 for "Boot Menu"EscF10 Storage tab, Boot Order, Legacy Boot Sources
LENOVOdesktopF12, F8, F10F1, F2
LENOVOlaptopF12F1, F2
LENOVOlaptopIdeaPad P500F12 or Fn + F11F2
SAMSUNGnetbookNC10EscF2Boot Tab, Select "Boot Device Priority", Press Return, Up/Down to Highlight, F6/F5 to change priority
SAMSUNGultrabookSeries 5 Ultra and Series 7 ChronosEscF2Boot Tab, Select "Boot Device Priority", Press Return, Up/Down to Highlight, F6/F5 to change priority
SONYVGN EscF10F2BIOS "BOOT" section, "External Device Boot" enabled
TOSHIBAProtege, Satellite, TecraF12F1, Esc
TOSHIBAEquium F12F12F12

List of PC brands with their corresponding hot-keys
Microsoft Surface devices are to press and continue to hold the Volume Up button when pressing power to turn the device on from off, and holding the Volume Up button until the UEFI menu appears.
How do you edit the boot options when pressing f10 to restore the entire computer if the error code 0x000000001 appears and I’ve already downloaded the media creation tool on a usb and still fails to boot?
I have an HP. I backed up my files and tried to restore windows. CMD screen comes up and says access denied, pop up box says Restoration Incomplete.
I have tried to access bios and boot menus from power up, with no success. ESC and 'F' keys do not change anything. Same screens come back up every time.
How can I reboot windows from my USB, since I can not access bios? , or boot menus?
I have an HP. I backed up my files and tried to restore windows. CMD screen comes up and says access denied, pop up box says Restoration Incomplete.
I have tried to access bios and boot menus from power up, with no success. ESC and 'F' keys do not change anything. Same screens come back up every time.
How can I reboot windows from my USB, since I can not access bios? , or boot menus?

It seems the keys are Esc, F2, F10.
But you can also try the DEL key.

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