Hi, I've requested support to the Manufacturer' technician (Italian ASUS).
Quoting: " il problema del mancato funzionamento dell'SSD 24 Gb è causato dalla mancanza del software ExpressCache, questo programma è una tecnologia utilizzata per migliorare le prestazioni del sistema sfruttando un SSD come cache. In pratica, ExpressCache memorizza temporaneamente i dati più frequentemente utilizzati su un SSD, permettendo un accesso più rapido rispetto a un tradizionale disco rigido (HDD). "
I actually have that software installed, but it's interesting to fully understand the meaning of that 24 Gb SSD.
I've therefore indulged again throughout our thread above.
And found a screenshot (in attachment), where I could notice a different partitioning tho, compared to the actual one created by the system after formatting and re-installing W10 (screenshot #26).
I think that something went wrong during that formatting session, and now my ssd is 0Gb and unexistant to the system.
I would like to start by creating again the same partitioning on Disk 0.
I've tried Paragon partition manager free, but it's not helping, so maybe I should go ahead with Diskpart.
Could you please write for me some guidance lines, as to proceed, and avoid further mistakes?