BSOD Event 41

Although that photo doesn't show the whole blue screen (I'd have liked to see the stop code text at the bottom) there is an exception code printed there, 0xC0000006, and that's an IN_PAGE_ERROR meaning that a page read in from the drive was corrupted. The two likely causes of this error are bad RAM (which we've eliminated) or a bad system drive. A bad system drive would also account for dumps not being properly written.

Go back into the WD Dashboard, if Drive Health on the Overview page isn't 100% then tell us what it is. Under the Tools menu please display the SMART data for the drive. Sadly WD Dashboard doesn't make it easy to copy this data out to post here, so look specifically at the numbers for the following...
  • Media and Data Integrity Errors
  • Error Information Log Entries
  • Warning Composite Temperature Time
  • Critical Composite Temperature Time
You may do better to download Crystal Disk Info and use that to display the SMART data, you can upload that data so we can all see it. That should give us a good indication of the health of the drive.

Also in WD Dashboard under the Tools menu please run an Extended Diagnostic Test on the drive and let us know what that says.

The only other potential cause is a bad CPU, and that's entirely possible if we're getting BSODs with only the iGPU. It may be worth you stress testing your CPU with Prime95....
  1. Because this is a laptop you need to maximise the cooling. Give it a good clean, internally if you can. Pay special attention to the fans(s) and the finned heat exchanges(s) next to the fan(s). This is where ALL the cooling is done. You need a good laminar airflow through the heat exchanger(s) to properly cool the CPU, but they are a dust and fluff magnet and are easily blocked. Make sure these are completely clean.
  2. Elevate the laptop so air can easily get underneath and without blocking any vents. Ensure that there is plenty of space around the laptop to allow hot air to be removed. If you have a fan-assisted laptop cooling pad then please user it.
  3. Download Prime95 and a CPU temperature monitor (CoreTemp will do).
  4. Keep the temperature monitor running all the time you run Prime95. Your CPU will get hot!
  5. Run each of the three Prime95 tests (smallFFTs, largeFFTs, and Blend) one after the other for a minimum of 1 hour per test, 2 hours per test would be better.
  6. If Prime95 generates error messages, if the system crashes/freezes/BSODs, or if your CPU temp gets close to 100°C (Tmax for your CPU), then stop Prime95 and let us know what happened.
Note that running Prime95 will not damage your CPU, but allowing it to overheat will.

FYI: The small FFT test stresses the CPU more than RAM. The large FFT test stresses RAM more than the CPU. The Blend test is a mixture of the two.

all sugested above i ran and none came back with issues.

even the stress test was ok, it got to 79 degrees and stayed there, I was still able to use chrome as normal.

the stress test was running for 3 hours

thank you


Hmmm. The system drive looks to be fine. As does the CPU.

To recap then....
  • We've see errors indicating a possible hardware issue (the CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED bugchecks)
  • We've seen errors indicating a possible iGPU issue (the VIDEO_ENGINE_TIMEOUT_DETECTED and VIDEO_DXGKRNL_LIVEDUMP errors) and a crash with the dGPU disabled
  • We've seen errors indicating a possible system drive or RAM issue (the STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR 0xC000006 error)
You've tested and can probably eliminate....
  • The dGPU (it crashed with it disabled)
  • The CPU (it passed Prime95)
  • The system drive SMART data seems healthy
  • The RAM (it passed Memtest86)
Things still to try....
  • I don't suppose you can run with just the dGPU and with the iGPU disabled (because it's a laptop). Do try disabling the iGPU in Device Manager and enable just the dGPU and see whether it will boot. If it does see whether it fails on just the dGPU.
  • If you are able to remove those RAM sticks then remove one and run on just one for a few days. Then swap them over and run on just the other for a few days. You may find that one RAM card needs to be in a specific slot, so experiment. See whether it fails only on one RAM card.
  • Remove and re-seat the system NVMe drive. The M.2 slot can be problematic, I have seen other users with niggly problems that were solved by re-seating an M.2 SSD.
  • It may be worth deleting and re-creating your paging file, just in case that's corrupted somehow. Enter the Run command sysdm.cpl, a window will open. Click the Advanced tab, then click the top Settings button (Performance) and then the Advanced tab in the Performance dialog. In the Virtual Memory section click the Change button, then uncheck the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives checkbox (if checked). Then click the No Paging file radio box, click OK and reboot. Then go back into the same Virtual Memory dialog and this time check the System managed size radio box AND check the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives checkbox. Then reboot.
See whether any of that helps.
hi, thanks,

could it be because i had the nvidia settings set to dgpu and not auto? It could be that the dgpu setting was too much for standard browsing


  • Screenshot 2025-01-22 115028.webp
    Screenshot 2025-01-22 115028.webp
    51.6 KB · Views: 2
i think the issue is dgpu because i switched it back on today and i got bsod event 41 bug check 340. i have not had this exact code since i turned it off.
But you said earlier (post #40) that you disabled the dGPU (the Nvidia card) in Device Manager and it still crashed? That means that the dGPU wasn't the problem at that point.
If your PC is this one: OMEN by HP Transcend 16 inch Gaming Laptop PC 16-u0000

Bold lines are upgradable:
  • Bios: current.
  • Audio: current.
  • Intel Innovation Platform Framework Processor Participant Driver: 2.2.10000.20 Rev.C, 10 Sep 2024. Current is 1.0.11700.940, 24 May 2024.
    Intel Serial IO Driver and later drivers: unsure.
  • Driver-enabling: ?
  • Driver graphics: current.
  • Intel HID Event Filter Driver: Rev.C, 10 Sep 2024. Current is dated 30 April 2024.
    Intel Integrated Sensor Solution Driver (ish.sys): Rev.C, 10 Sep 2024. Current is dated 28 Nov 2023.
    Synaptics Precision Touchpad Filter Driver (SynTP): Rev.C, 10 Sep 2024. Current is dated 29 April 2024.
  • Realtek Local Area Network (LAN) Driver: current.
    Intel WLAN Driver: Rev.A, 9 Aug 2024. Current is
    Intel Bluetooth Driver: Rev.A, 2 Aug 2024. Not installed (using windows one).
  • WD SSD Firmware: HPS3/HPS3T Rev.A, 15 Sep 2023. Current is HPS2.
hi to provide update....

Since i connected it to 2 external monitors and running through an official hp docking station it has not crashed once.
I am not sure why that seems to stabalize it but it has...

I guess for now nothing more to report

thanks for all the support

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