0x80070057 an unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file

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Just a warning, there's details below that I'm just describing what i was doing/what happened. But the important part now is just my question in the last 2 sentences.

It seems this is probably not a win 10 issue, so i dont know if the post needs to be mo ed or not...

Were you trying to copy data from the 3tb drive to the 4tb drive?

I did sucessfully copy about 2/3 of the data from the 3tb and use it for 3 weeks on the 4tb. I also added alot of new camera files (300-400gb) and was editing and saving new adobe project files and jpg copies before i lost access to everything on the 4tb.

But i think what i was doing with the drives is seeming more and more irrevelant. Just a few hours after my last post i got a blue screen

and then I couldnt boot after that and just getting the screen with kingston ssd smart status bad

Could you provide us with the system specs?
- CPU - i5-4590 3.3 GHz
- RAM - 8GB x2 gskill ripjaws x
- Motherboard - AsRock H81MDV3
- All drives models -
Western Digital 3TB Blue WD30EZRZ
Western Digital 4TB Red WD40EFRX
Kingston SSDnow300
(other sata drives that have been connected by external usb only seem to be unaffected)
- gpu - gtx 1060 6gb
- psu - energy optimus 600fc 80 plus

So I had only the SSD drive connected and it wouldnt boot up like 5 times in a row, the 6th try it booted up normal. I thought it probably has to be a problem with the psu, ram or mobo. I set windows memory check to start scanning and went to the store to buy a new psu. When i got back it was sitting in the bios setup. It was just going straight into bios every restart (wasnt recognizing my ssd) until i took out the ram to try just one stick at a time and then from then out i wasnt getting anything on the monitor only beep codes. (Mostly 4 short beeps only)
However, after giving it a short break i plugged in a usb with winpe and it loaded that fine

Tried the new 800w evga psu and no difference noticed

jcgriff2 said:
You need to get that blank CD and run SeaTools for DOS

I got to a friends who has a desktop and notebook pc with dvd drives... I was unsuccessful in getting the desktop to boot from the disk drive. The drive wasnt in the bootup options or showing in the bios setup by the other devices. Tried switching safe setup on and off with no luck.
I did get seatools to load on the notebook but with my hd connected to usb, seatools was detecting no drives (not even the internal ones ?)

OKAY, long story short, i ordered a new motherboard and plan on starting fresh on my ssd again (which i was able to backup 99% with a 2.5in usb adapter. Just several .htaccess files had the error)

I also ordered a synology ds416 nas and a few more drives so I can put my data in a raid and hopefully not worry about losing important files again.

The thing I'm really hoping is possible is that i can recover the data on my 3tb and 4tb drives. If I cant copy, move, open, delete the files no matter what computer i access from is there still hope for getting my data back??
Since I was able to backup important stuff from ssd, I feel fine about connecting it again to try and boot. And guess what, it booted up fine today. :noidea:

If you experienced a BSOD, run - https://www.sysnative.com/forums/bs...ng-instructions-windows-10-8-1-8-7-vista.html
Attach the zip to your next post and I'll read the memory dump. Maybe it will give us a clue.

· OS - Windows 10
· x64
· What was original installed OS on system? Win 8 if i remember right
· Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)? I bought the setup from someone on a website similar to craigslist. He was building computers and turning around and selling them. I didn't get a disc but I got a win license key. It's now Win 10 Pro, I don't believe its OEM.
· Age of system (hardware) Was all new in 2015, but the gpu and ram I upgraded in 2016.
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS? Only upgraded to win 10

· CPU - i5-4590 3.3 Ghz
· Video Card - Colorful GTX 1060 6GB
· MotherBoard - AsRock H81MDV3
· Power Supply - Energy Optimus 600fc 80 plus (600W and 525W are both written on it but the model number makes me think 600)

· System Manufacturer - n/a
· Laptop or Desktop? Desktop

View attachment SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip

I had tried both these before posting on Sysnative. Double checked again and the [.] and [1] were already in the right place.

Thanks for all the help jgriff2
Hi. . .

There were no mini kernel memory dumps in the attached zip file. I also checked the Event Viewer logs and they came up empty - no BSODs were recorded. Since there are no dumps, there is nothing to be analyzed.

Did you actually see the blue screen itself?

There are several reasons that no dump would be written after a BSOD, but through the system reports you attached, I was able to rule those reasons out. The only one left is that some catastrophic hardware failure occurred and Windows shut itself down so fast to save your OS that it did not have time to write a dump file. What that catastrophic hardware failure may be is anyone's guess - assuming that this is what occurred.

I found hundreds of these errors in the Event Viewer logs -
  Log Name: System
  Source: Service Control Manager
  Date: 2017-07-20T14:02:23.008
  Event ID: 7000
  Level: Error
[B]The [COLOR="#FF0000"]McAfee[/COLOR] Platform Services service failed to start due to the following error: 
The system cannot find the file specified[/B].

I would advise removing McAfee. It and the competing Internet Security Suites are more trouble than their worth.

Be sure to use the McAfee Removal Tool to assure that kernel mode and boot drivers are removed -

Uninstallers (removal tools) for common Windows antivirus software—ESET Knowledgebase

I use the Windows Firewall + ESET NOD32 anti-virus - ESET NOD32 Antivirus | ESET

Please note that ESET NOD32 is not free, but it has the lightest system resource footprint on the market. It is of course up to you to select an anti-virus that you are comfortable with.

Regards. . .

Hi. . .
Did you actually see the blue screen itself?

I took a picture of it and attached it above in post #22. Its in korean but so are other random system stuff and when windows is installing updates, etc

I would advise removing McAfee. It and the competing Internet Security Suites are more trouble than their worth.

Be sure to use the McAfee Removal Tool to assure that kernel mode and boot drivers are removed -

Uninstallers (removal tools) for common Windows antivirus software—ESET Knowledgebase

I have never known McAfee to be installed on this computer. Unless it got installed in the last week somehow although its time spent turned on and actually in windows has been limited. But I have never seen McAfee in the task manager processes or in hijackthis scans, etc.
I have been using the free version of Avast and windows firewall as well as advanced sustem care on startup.

been running memtest86 for 8 hours now and completed 3 passes with no errors

Do you think reinstalling windows on my ssd isnt hindering my chances of getting back data from secondary sata drives, right?
...been running memtest86 for 8 hours now and completed 3 passes with no errors....
Are you running 1 stick at a time; alternating the slots?

Do you think reinstalling windows on my ssd isnt hindering my chances of getting back data from secondary sata drives, right?
I am not following you here at all. Please re-word and explain in much greater detail.

What drives are we talking about, size; last time Windows was installed; the reason you want to reinstall Windows; the meaning of "getting back data" -- are you missing data/files? Are you looking for a particular file(s). Please provide as much info as possible on this subject of SSD, HDD, back-ups, etc...

As for McAfee - the Event Viewer is recording events related to McAfee.

Look through Programs and Features in Control Panel (Apps to uninstall) - see if you find it there.

Try Revo Free Edition Uninstaller - Download Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Free and Full Download - Uninstall software, remove programs, solve uninstall problems

If you see McAfee in either place - uninstall it.

Regards. . .

Hello again, I want to say I appreciate all the help I have gotten here. The hard drives we were talking about have been with a local computer technician who said he had just about all of the recovery options at hand. I got back my two drives along with a new 5 tb i gave him to backup everything to. He said he packed up everything possible and copy them onto the 5 TB .
But I seem to just have a dead Drive.

Anybody know what is beeping sequence means?
After many hours of trying to figure this out I have decided to make an account here and post.
I have a 3TB SATAII hard drive which I have lost access to some of the files. I can't read them or copy them.

In my screenshot above it says:

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

Error 0x80070057: The parameter is incorrect.
Sometimes you get error 0x80070057 because Windows is trying to read or create a filename whose full path plus filename is more than 256 characters.
Windows can create filenames longer than that, but for some odd reason, some methods of copying / writing / reading files can, while others can't.
Robocopy or Vice-Versa Pro 2.5 and up can both copy files with longer filenames (tho you have to use a special prefix with ViceVersa).
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