5 BSOD to my brand new sony vaio


Jul 10, 2012

OK so I've just bought a new sony vaio (E series) couple of days ago and since then 5 blue screens happened three before I took it to maintenance and two after I got it back today
I was wondering, is it even normal for this to be happening to a new system?
I've attached the dmp file to the latest one

here's the summary for it:

Dump File : 071012-42307-01.dmp
Crash Time : 7/10/2012 3:48:32 PM
Bug Check String : NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
Bug Check Code : 0x00000024
Parameter 1 : 00000000`001904fb
Parameter 2 : fffff880`0d0375d8
Parameter 3 : fffff880`0d036e30
Parameter 4 : fffff800`031903d9
Caused By Driver : Ntfs.sys
Caused By Address : Ntfs.sys+5a88
File Description :
Product Name :
Company :
File Version :
Processor : x64
Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+7f1c0
Stack Address 1 :
Stack Address 2 :
Stack Address 3 :
Computer Name :
Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\071012-42307-01.dmp
Processors Count : 4
Major Version : 15
Minor Version : 7601
Dump File Size : 283,400

Hope you could help me out
Thanks a lot in advance =)


Looks like a messed up pointer to memory. Either way, this most definitely is hardware. Don't bring it to them for maintenance, have them replace it entirely. Bringing it in for maintenance will only have them beat around the bush. Given that you obviously have a defective unit, you don't want to bother trying to figure out what in it is bad, and neither should you let them try it. Save time and stress and just request an entire replacement.
Did they actually give you a new one or did they just "repair" it? I'd pressure them to replace it entirely if all they did was replace one part in it in an attempt to repair it.

There's something dreadfully wrong about a manufacturer that ships out systems that BSOD immediately upon retrieval by the customer. That has nothing to do with software but rather faulty hardware. Then again, this is Sony, which has a history of producing unstable PCs, so I wouldn't put it pass them.
The weird thing was it was actually a new one as I noticed there was a little scratch on the old one and this one doesn't!!
this was actually my first sony...and reason I got it was cause I heard it was a trustworthy brand...I still find it really strange though...
anyway I did make a big fuss about it and I made them exchange it for a new model..hopefully this one doesn't BSOD on me *Fingers crossed* :)
please let me know how much time did Sony take from the time you asked for a replacement and till the time you got one.



OK so I've just bought a new sony vaio (E series) couple of days ago and since then 5 blue screens happened three before I took it to maintenance and two after I got it back today
They asked me to wait for 24 hours first so they'd check what's wrong, and then if they have the same model in stock they'd give it to you right away..with me they didn't have it so they asked me to wait for 2-3 more days till they ship it

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