[SOLVED] [7 Pro SP1 x64] KB4338818 and KB2952664 Fail to Load: Error 80073701

Now we come to the hard part. This will likely take a while, so please be patient.

Please start with the following:

Retrieve Components Hive
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Config and locate the COMPONENTS file.
2. Please copy this file to your desktop.
Note: If you receive an error that this file is in-use, simply reboot your computer and try again.
3. Right-click on this file on your desktop and select Send To...Compressed (zipped) folder. This will create a file named COMPONENTS.ZIP on your desktop.
4. The file will likely be too large to upload here so please upload to a file sharing service and just provide the link here.
I got on my computer this morning and I had a message from Microsoft that I had updates. I figured it would be the same old, same old where the update from hell aka KB4338818 would fail to install once again. But I thought "What the hey, I'll try it." And to my surprise and delight, Eureka!!! The damn thing loaded and it looks like everything is up to date. Here's a link to a screenshot: Dropbox - Scrn Shot - Update Installed.docx Before I found this site I was beginning to think it was impossible to ever fix my update issue. My wife was even telling me I should just get a new computer and start over. But fortunately, after trying everything I could find on the internet without success, I came across the SysNative site.

So it appears my issue is handled. I want to extend my sincere Thank You and appreciation to you for your knowledge, ability, communication skills, patience, persistence and willingness to spend the time and effort necessary to see this problem through to a successful resolution. (This was not a quick fix and I was often afraid that at some point you were going to give me the same advice I got from my wife.....to just get another computer.) But you never gave up.

In light of all of the above, I respectfully recommend that you change your user name to SoftwareGenius!!!!

I would appreciate your input if there's anything else that should be done before closing this case. In addition, I'd be grateful for any recommendations on the best way for me to handle MS Updates going forward to prevent future issues.

Oh, and it will be my pleasure to make a contribution as a token of my appreciation for all you've done.

I'm really glad your issue has been resolved, however, there are still some things that I would like to resolve here in order to prevent future errors as much as I can.

Please run another scan with SURT and attach CheckSUR.log upon completion.
Okay. Attached please find the CheckSUR file you requested.

But Geez, man it's Sunday, you should have a day off! You don't have to do this today. I only sent you the reply today because I thought you should know of the successful download of the difficult update at whatever point you were going to give me further instructions. I didn't think or expect it would be today.


I have researched, and these errors belong to the updates that have been known to cause issues, so I would recommend not fixing this via a re-installation of these particular updates.

In other words, unless you have any other questions for me, I will mark this as solved!
I do have a couple other questions.
  1. These updates I originally inquired about already installed. Are you recommending that I uninstall them?
  2. Going forward, in your opinion what updates should I install? Important updates that Microsoft recommends? What about optional updates that seem relevant to my system? I know some blogs have opinions on the advisability of installing new updates, but who can I trust? Do you guys make recommendations about new updates? I'm afraid not to install any. One general piece of advice I follow is not to install previews of quality rollups. The update question seems to be very confusing these days.
  3. Are you in beautiful Croatia? If so, it's now almost 5:00 am. What the hell are you doing up?
1. No, it was my intention for you to install those. Don't uninstall them.
2. Only Critical/Important. Optional updates tend to cause severe issues, especially updates that start with Preview of... as you've been warned. We do analyse them, but generally recommend people install only the important ones and that they get the drivers from the device manufacturer's website instead of Windows Update.
3. Yes, I am, and yes, it is 5. A.M. and I am working on a new post for my Instagram fan page for an actress.
I use MS Security Essentials as my anti-virus program. I like that it's not a resource hog and it stays in the background. Definition updates for it come under the "Optional" heading. It would seem I should download those. Do you agree?
Thank you for that response. I'm certainly going to follow your advise regarding MS updates going forward.

I just want to thank you again for your capable assistance. I don't know where else I could have gone to get my issue resolved and I was happy to make a $100 donation today to support the Sysnative site.

All best wishes,

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