Alienware BSODs

Have you tested your RAM yet?

Softwaremaniac, I did a check with CMD prompt as Adm. last night using this command mdsched.exe. Also I checked Dells diagnostic tools from their website. Memory is good.

My system is running great now??:noidea:

Did you ever find out if your memory is bad? I am dealing with random bluscreens, ntoskernel.dll consistently with a ton of odd issues. Running games is a no go. I just got this laptop 3 days ago, and it has been the worse 3 days in trying to get anything to work...

Hello Djsniperwolf,

You should have a one warranty. I'd call Alienware Dell Support and have them check out your many issues. I had nothing but tears with my 2015 Alienware 17R3. Dell replaced my Motherboard at the least 5 times and also the SSD drive, the memory as well. I went a year with 4 refurbished Alienware laptops. I fought hard for a new Alienware and in January of 2016 they sent me a new Alienware R4. I replaced their memory with 32GBs 16x16. I had that memory from Corsair with life time warranty and that memory was replaced TWICE! I was continually getting BSODs and the Dell test said the memory was good with all their diagnostics tests. It wasn't ever good. I can say now that I haven't had a BSOD for at least 6 months. Knock on wood. I could go on and on about my issues with Alienwares but you're having issues. So sorry to hear that. When I upgraded to 32GBs of Ram. I could play all the Steam games and Origin games without crashing or getting BSOD. Please do not let Dell Support get off of the hook. Get them to fix that computer! The Nvidia drivers could be at fault too.
Nevertheless Softwaremaniac is a pro and can help you too. As so are the other great Support Volunteers.
Goodluck and keep in touch...

Wow! Thank you so much for the fast response. Your words bring with them some relief to my pains. I can no doubt agree with you that this has been a terrible experience. I will be contacting them first thing tomorrow as I have spent too many painstaking hours on this already. My m17x r4 had lasted me quite a long time. The only reason why I opted to upgrade was because my 7970 video card decided to give out on me. I will be glad to put these issues to rest. Thanks again so much. I will be posting my results as I get some more information.
Have you tested your RAM yet?

Softwaremaniac, I did a check with CMD prompt as Adm. last night using this command mdsched.exe. Also I checked Dells diagnostic tools from their website. Memory is good.

My system is running great now??:noidea:

Did you ever find out if your memory is bad? I am dealing with random bluscreens, ntoskernel.dll consistently with a ton of odd issues. Running games is a no go. I just got this laptop 3 days ago, and it has been the worse 3 days in trying to get anything to work...

Hello Djsniperwolf,

You should have a one warranty. I'd call Alienware Dell Support and have them check out your many issues. I had nothing but tears with my 2015 Alienware 17R3. Dell replaced my Motherboard at the least 5 times and also the SSD drive, the memory as well. I went a year with 4 refurbished Alienware laptops. I fought hard for a new Alienware and in January of 2016 they sent me a new Alienware R4. I replaced their memory with 32GBs 16x16. I had that memory from Corsair with life time warranty and that memory was replaced TWICE! I was continually getting BSODs and the Dell test said the memory was good with all their diagnostics tests. It wasn't ever good. I can say now that I haven't had a BSOD for at least 6 months. Knock on wood. I could go on and on about my issues with Alienwares but you're having issues. So sorry to hear that. When I upgraded to 32GBs of Ram. I could play all the Steam games and Origin games without crashing or getting BSOD. Please do not let Dell Support get off of the hook. Get them to fix that computer! The Nvidia drivers could be at fault too.
Nevertheless Softwaremaniac is a pro and can help you too. As so are the other great Support Volunteers.
Goodluck and keep in touch...

Wow! Thank you so much for the fast response. Your words bring with them some relief to my pains. I can no doubt agree with you that this has been a terrible experience. I will be contacting them first thing tomorrow as I have spent too many painstaking hours on this already. My m17x r4 had lasted me quite a long time. The only reason why I opted to upgrade was because my 7970 video card decided to give out on me. I will be glad to put these issues to rest. Thanks again so much. I will be posting my results as I get some more information.

You're most welcome! There is no way I'd not make Dell back up their product considering how expensive those machines are. Don't let them give you the run around Also that Alienware is a gaming machine that is suppose to play almost any game there is. Their support is really pretty good considering.

Thank you too for your reply back. I'd be very curious to hear what they say.
Sorry Djsniperwolf..I just need to correct the timelines in my post. I bought a Alienware in April of 2015 and I had 4-5 refurbished Alienwares. Finally in November of 2016 I was approved for a new Alienware 17R4. Dell fought me for over a year to give me a new system as I had continuous issues and in the end they didn't want to replace the daughterboard after so many replaced MBs of the last refurbished system. That's when I finally recieved a new Alienware delivered from China which was a 17R4... in January of 2017. Again I apologize for the incorrect timelines. I also had paid for Premium Support for 2 years.

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