Beware this online shopping scam: Fake order confirmations


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
During the holiday season it’s not unusual for both UPS and FedEx to show up at the Bradley household on an almost daily basis. We receive order confirmation and shipping notification emails for each delivery—and that's just what cybercriminals are counting on. It’s just one of the many ways they exploit the holiday season to target more victims.

Brian Krebs, a respected authority on security and all-things-cybercrime, wrote a cautionary post earlier this week. “If you receive an email this holiday season asking you to ‘confirm’ an online e-commerce order or package shipment, please resist the urge to click the included link or attachment: Malware purveyors and spammers are blasting these missives by the millions each day in a bid to trick people into giving up control over their computers and identities.”
Beware this online shopping scam: Fake order confirmations | PCWorld

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