BSOD along with frozen windows 7 repeatedly!

Hello again!

So after reinstalling windows on the regular hardrive (not the SSD) and unplugging the SSD one everything was going fine until today. It started crashing and freezing out of nowhere. I cant log in without it crashing almost instantly.
I tried safe mode and it crashes in the log screen. Any ideas? at least i think i know that it's not a SSD problem.
Might be a bad SATA controller on the board if it's an 0xF4 bug check again. May I see the dump(s)?
No crash dumps, likely a page file issue since the reinstall.

If your computer is not generating .DMP files, please do the following:

1. Start > type %systemroot% which should show the Windows folder, click on it. Once inside that folder, ensure there is a Minidump folder created. If not, CTRL-SHIFT-N to make a New Folder and name it Minidump.

2. Windows key + Pause key. This should bring up System. Click Advanced System Settings on the left > Advanced > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Ensure there's a check-mark for 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives'.

3. Windows key + Pause key. This should bring up System. Click Advanced System Settings on the left > Advanced > Startup and Recovery > Settings > System Failure > ensure there is a check mark next to 'Write an event to the system log'.

Ensure Small Memory Dump is selected and ensure the path is %systemroot%\Minidump.

4. Double check that the WERS is ENABLED:

Start > Search > type services.msc > Under the name tab, find Windows Error Reporting Service > If the status of the service is not Started then right click it and select Start. Also ensure that under Startup Type it is set to Automatic rather than Manual. You can do this by right clicking it, selecting properties, and under General selecting startup type to 'Automatic', and then click Apply.

If you cannot get into normal mode to do any of this, please do this via Safe Mode.
Yep, 0xF4.

Given you've tried Windows on both the SSD and HDD by themselves without the other connected to the system, and still get 0xF4's, your motherboard is unfortunately the issue here (specifically the storage/SATA controller).
If you get crashes with running Windows on the SSD without the hard disk connected, or the hard disk without the SSD connected, yes, it's a bad motherboard that will need replacement. That's not to say there's a possibility of a bad SATA cable. Unlikely though. You can try a spare/different one just in case.

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