BSOD clock

Alright, I installed it, selected blend, with 4 torture threads. It froze up, then BSOD'd. Upon reboot, it got hung up at the Starting Windows screen. I assume Prime95 caused this, or was it just like every other BSOD?

Also, Speccy said it was 45 Celsius right before BSOD.
Running it again. It's on test #2. And the CPU temps have climbed up to 56 Celsius thus far.

I should note, the temp in my house is 68 degrees. The computer is sitting out in the open.
It sounds like the CPU is at fault, yep. I would work on getting that replaced. CPU's are generally the cause of *101's, but sometimes they are not. In a serious cause of degradation on the CPU, you'd likely get *124 bugchecks mixed with *101's. Regardless, it's about all we have to go on right now.
Replacing everything is a definite way to fix whatever is going on :grin1:

My pleasure, best of luck.



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