Hmm, I notice on the current threads of the CPU cores that are timing out, there's mention of TDR going on, which means your graphics driver/card is not responding and is attempting reset after the fact. Then again I'm also seeing timeout from your network drivers too on the same stack, so I'm not sure entirely what's going on. All I do know, though, is that most likely some piece of hardware is timing out and taking things down with it as they're waiting on a response from it.

Unfortunately, as this is looking very much like a hardware problem, the crashdumps won't be able to tell us all that much. I can say though that it's probably either an issue with your video card, or your motherboard. CPU and mobo are potential suspects as well but I recommend tackling those first two items.

Btw, your Nvidia drivers are dated from March. Was this around the time when you first started experiencing the issues? You may wanna see if there's another update, and if not, try rolling back your video drivers.
Hey Vir Gnarus, didn't see your post before :P

I've just completely removed and reinstalled my nvidia drivers. It looks like now they are on a later version than before. I actalluy had freeze earlier, not a bluescreen. On power cylcing my PC and logging in I got a half second screen. This happened twice. It might be worth noting that I removed a USB stick out of one of my USB3 front sockets after the reboot.

I managed to note that this stop got wasn't the same, looked like EQL_OR_NOT_IRQL or something? Against my previous post I've decided to yet again up this dump if anyone cares to look at it.

I'll also double check my usb and network drivers, something's not right here. Looking at replacement parts too.
Hey FunkyMaggot,

I just had a quick look at that last dump, the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL one. Sorry but I don't have time to look at the rest but I just had a look at the most recent one since it was different.

This BSOD was caused by hcmon.sys - the VMware USB monitor driver. Do you use VMWare? If not, uninstall it. If you do, what VMWare software do you use? Did you have a VM running at the time?

The fact the driver is a USB monitor and you
FunkyMaggot said:
removed a USB stick out of one of my USB3 front sockets after the reboot.

Shows something. I would uninstall your VMWare software and see how the computer performs.

I'm also noticing a lot of drivers in the raw call stack including the NVidia drivers. The stack is also showing a lot of entries like the following:

fffff880`0b60b448  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b450  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b458  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b460  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b468  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b470  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b478  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b480  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b488  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b490  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b498  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4a0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4a8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4b0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4b8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4c0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4c8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4d0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4d8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4e0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4e8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4f0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4f8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b500  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b508  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b510  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b518  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f

There are hundreds over 1000 lines that look like that. I've never seen that before, perhaps Vir has, I'm fairly inexperienced with debugging.

Are you using TrueCrypt? I saw that driver in the stack too.
fffff880`0b611578  fffff880`07d5d285*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for [B]dump_truecrypt.sys[/B]

I am agreeing with Vir Gnarus after looking more into that dump. Hardware is the number one suspect here.

Hey Tekno Venus, thank you for the speedy reply.

Yeah i'm using VMWare Workstation, unfortunately I can't remove this as it's vital to my work.
My main drive is using FDE encryption with truecrypt, upon loading my OS I mount a few other truecrypt volumes.

Is there any chance to remove this vmware usb driver? I remember it being mentioned earlier in the topic but I can't seem to figure out how to disable the USB emulation over the whole application.

Looks like I have an unknown device in device manager, do you guys have any good was to figure out what thty might be? I've been through all my drivers on the CD for my mobo and nothing is connected to my PC other than a PS2 keyboard and a standard usb mouse?
The stack is also showing a lot of entries like the following:

fffff880`0b60b448  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b450  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b458  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b460  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b468  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b470  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b478  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b480  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b488  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b490  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b498  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4a0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4a8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4b0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4b8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4c0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4c8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4d0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4d8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4e0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4e8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4f0  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b4f8  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b500  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b508  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b510  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f
fffff880`0b60b518  4f4f4f4f`4f4f4f4f

There are hundreds over 1000 lines that look like that. I've never seen that before, perhaps Vir has, I'm fairly inexperienced with debugging.
4f is ASCII "O".
No worries,

OK, it may be possible to disable USB mounting in VMWare. I use VMWare player so am basing these instructions around that but they should be similar for workstation.

Please note, these steps will make it impossible to mount a physical USB device in a VM. If we find this does not stop the issue and you need to mount a USB device, we can always undo these steps.

Firstly, check the task manager process tab (you will need to "View Processes From All Users") for a process called:


If you see this, the USB mounting service is running. We will need this to check against later to see if disabling it works.

Now click Start --> type services.msc --> press enter --> Scroll down to find the VMUSBArbService --> Right click --> Properties --> Change the Startup type to Disabled --> Reboot the PC

Now check VMWare workstation and see if it works OK. In my testing, my VMs still worked fine but could not detect USB devices. Check task manager for the vmware-usbarbitrator64.exe process, it should not be there. If it is still there, let me know
Hey guys,

Just to let you know my computer is still suffering. I'm going to replace the motherboard and do a re-install, hopefully this will fix the issue. I'll let you know the result.

Hey Maggot,

Ohhh, OK. :-( My fingers are crossed, best of luck with the mobo replacement and hopefully this will solve your issues!

Just a small update - I've fitted my new motherboard and reinstalled windows. Everything seems to be working OK!

Thanks for all the help guys!

PS Stay away from ASRock Motherboards :P
I use ASRock mobos very frequently since they don't tend to sacrifice reliability for cost as much as other budget brands. There's always that possibility of getting a bad apple, though, as with any brand.

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