So i just got ''KERNEL DATA IN PAGE ERROR'', i think it's related to paging file, because when i disabled the paging file, i didn't got this error. But if i disable, the dump files don't save.bsod 5.pngbsod 5.pngbsod 6.png
The pagefile is a requirement for complete memory dumps to be saved, the pagefile is best managed by Windows.
I'll ask for the store to change my RAMS to compatibles with my MOBA. But what if i change the RAMS, and continues to crash?
Have you definitely checked the hard drive?
CrystalDiskInfo has a lot on checking the drive.

The KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR is literally what it says. It's not paging data from the disk because the disk is disappearing, it's probably the same reason you're getting CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED because the disk has just gone caput. I would seriously be looking at a different drive for testing. Do you just have a single HDD for booting?
If you can, I recommend picking up say a 120GB SSD. They aren't very expensive, and it'll eliminate a fault drive.

Did you run memtest for very long?
I'll run MemTest today when i go sleep, i'll run this CrystalDiskInfo and see what is shows, tyvm for your reply.
These dump files don't contain anything more than we already know. A larger dump file would help.

I'm still convinced it's your hard drive.
The dumps can't find the C drive, it's gone.
Can you test it on another one?
I just got ''KERNEL DATA IN PAGE ERROR'' and ''CRITICAL PROCESS DIED''. Kernel BSOD seems different now, take a look.bsod.pngbsod 2.pngbsod 3.png
He downloaded his DXDIAG file and it seemed to indicate a program called IOBIT SYSTEM CARE. I had him uninstall it but he still gets the same BSOD error.

IOBIT ASC and driver booster are still installed.
I'd try an in-place upgrade (i.e., remove iobit programs, then reinstall the OS over the current OS).
I found your RAM model with windbg: it says CMK4GX4M1D2400C14.
I didn't find the exact model on
I found this: CMK4GX4M1A2400C14R (R stands for red, you can ignore it).
IF that is the correct model, it says Compatibility Intel 100 Series,Intel 200 Series,Intel 300 Series (in tech specs).
I found a similar model, but it should be compatible with your motherboard (according to corsair, but not according to asus QVL): CMK16GX4M2Z2400C16.
[VENGEANCE LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 DRAM 2400MHz C16 Memory Kit - Black €164.99 EUR]

Could you check the correct model looking directly the stick? Or its package?
Does device manager show yellow exclamation marks?
My serial it's not on QVL list. My store said they tested it on others Ryzens, and it works correctly. Indeeed it's not in QVL, but BIOS and computer recognize it without problems, so i don't know if its RAM.
My serial it's not on QVL list. My store said they tested it on others Ryzens, and it works correctly. Indeeed it's not in QVL, but BIOS and computer recognize it without problems, so i don't know if its RAM.

I mentioned the QVL list for the correct Corsair RAM memory at the other Forum and his is not listed according to RAM PN listed on CPU-Z that he posted there. I believe I did find his RAM Stick PN at Corsair.

Maybe once in for all to see if it is either RAM or Hard Drive Hardware related:

1) Return the 2 - 4 gigabyte RAM Sticks and exchanged them for a single 8 gigabyte RAM Stick listed in the Asus QVL list. It is possible that the Dual Channel feature of both RAM sticks are not compatible with the Motherboard or each other.

2) Purchase a second Hard drive and install it on your computer. Make the new Hard drive your C: Drive and the old C: drive as a backup drive to store your Windows Backups or important data.

One thread at another website was having the same error with NTDLL.SYS. Turned out to be a virus file. This is what he found: Windows 10 Constantly Crashing - Critical Process Died - Microsoft Windows - Neowin

[FONT=&quot]Turns out that this Microsoft Driver Enumerator file is not legit, and is a trojan, virus, or something that no modern anti malware, anti virus seems to be able to detect. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]it installs to the system32 folder and is called msde.exe

But since you did a Clean install of Windows 10 you shouldn't have to viral file installed.


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