BSOD on every server in the cluster

Were RDMA, Jumbo and SR-IOV enabled before the network card was replaced on any of them?
Does a crash happen only when Jumbo is disabled? What about RDMA and SR-IOV?
After disabling Jumbo I do not see any crashes. RDMA is enabled. SR-IOV had to be disabled a couple of days ago, as sometimes virtual machines lose the network. I did not find the reason and solution.
Apologies for some delays in my response, the family's a little sick, and I've been a little sick myself as a result. I'm mostly fine, but not fully 100% yet.

Have you tried disabling RDMA and enabling Jumbo on one of the machines? Because a few things have changed in a short period (network card and a few settings), I'm trying to pinpoint this to a specific element so we can hopefully find a better solution.
Hi. I hope your family and you are okay now. I visit the hospital myself.

No, we can't disable RDMA as it causes a catastrophic drop in performance in our software. I can try to schedule it for the next maintenance window. Today I went to work and found out that we have a big audit and we have to cancel all scheduled work related to stopping services.
Something else you could try is install the previous network card with RDMA and Jumbo frames enabled and see if that works, assuming this is possible.

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