A cooling pad you'd need to support the cooling when you have a cooling problem that cannot be fixed otherwise. With the little info provided we cannot judge whether you have a cooling problem or not, but I doubt it.
What we know is that your hardware can run at 80-85c, but that's it. You haven't mentioned what you do on the laptop when it runs that hot, how often and how long it runs at those temperatures, the environment the laptop is in, etc. There are a lot of factors in to play that should be considered before considering additional aid in cooling down the laptop, you don't want to waste money when you can resolve a cooling problem without spending a dime.
Just an FYI, my old laptop used to be running at around 100c back in the days when it was under load (i.e. stress testing). I did not address it by buying something to support cooling, but by cleaning the laptop from dust. By removing the dust and dirt, the temperatures went down about 20c average. On average load it used to be 60c, after cleaning that went down to 40c. This laptop is getting close to 10 years usage though, but this 100c happened only once in the first few years which was the time that I used it the most in an environment that contributed to the problem.
If you are really worried about the temperatures, I suggest visiting the
Hardware forum. Others with expertise on this can help with it and judge whether it is really a cooling problem, and if so how you can address it best.