I am going to try and send you a picture that I think maybe part of my problem notice towards the bottom the option says "show windows background picture on the sign in screen" I don't have this option.
Thx Aura,don't know why it posted twice? On my picture it has choose apps to show quick status and then screen timeout settings and screen saver settings and that's it.
I did option 2 awhile back thinking it might help but there was no change. You say that you don't have this option either and you're still able to to change your image? That's weird(on my part anyway) Is this option needed(in my case it must be)? Also I'd like to use this forum to thank WINDOWS 10 Forum and Brink for the article and advice:thumbsup2: Thx Aura
I'm able to change my lockscreen (what appears when you press on Win Key + L), not the screen that comes next, where you need to enter your password Like I said, did you check your lockscreen?
When I hit the win key + L I do get the lock screen after that it goes black then the background comes up(I have a dreamscene there) What I'm trying to get is the welcome screen(the picture I showed you in #15 I had this as logon pic in win 7) which I guess win 10 doesn't have.Your input here, I read somewhere that win 10 actually has four different screens 2 for the system and two for the user any truth to this?
Greetings Aura, just wanted to let you know all is going good with win 10.(just miss the logon screen like win 7 had,I don't usually lock this system so it's of no use to me are you listing Microsoft put back the logon screen lol) Ok, Aura I guess this will close the post so thanks for all your help. If I ever need tech help I'll know who to go to thx.:thumbsup2: