[SOLVED] "Cannot tell if the PC has enough disk space" when upgrading to Windows 10 1903

Before we start, I would like to ensure that the hardware is okay:

Follow the instructions below to check your SMART status with GSmartControl:

  • Download the portable version of GSmartControl and save it on your Desktop;
  • Extract the zip file to your Desktop. Open the folder gsmartcontrol-1.1.3-win64 which should be located on your Desktop and double-click gsmartcontrol.exe to launch the program.
  • Identify your drive in the list (if recognized by the tool), and hover your mouse over it.
  • You should see something called: SMART status. It will either read: Enabled, in which case you should do the following:
  • Double-click on it to bring up its window (usually you'll find your drive by its size or its brand name);
  • Go to the Self-Tests tab, then select Extended Self-test in the Test type drop-down list and click on Execute (this test can take a few hours to complete);
  • Once the test is over, the results will be displayed at the bottom of the window. Please copy and paste these results in your next reply or take a screenshot;
  • Also, go in the Attributes tab and if you have any entries highlighted in red or pink, take a screenshot of the GSmartControl window and attach it in your next reply;
  • Please note: If the SMART Status reads: Unsupported, stop and let me know.
The self-test stopped at 41%, it ran for~11hours. The log is attached. I will run the test again next night, but partial information may still be valuable to you until I try it again and, hopefully, I can give you a full run log. No attributes are red or pink. I have a pink statistic :

"Description","Value","Flags","Page, Offset"
" Number of Reported Uncorrectable Errors","55","---","0x04, 0x008"

For completeness, I joined screenshots of attributes and statistics.


This is definitely not something I want to hear, but I have to agree with your conclusion. I am still trying another self-test, just in case, and while securing disk image backups. Thanks for your help
UPDATE : The self-test finished "without any error". Here are the logs and screenshots. Does this confirm or infirm your first conclusion ?

Thank you :)


  • noerror.png
    41.8 KB · Views: 2
  • noeeror.txt
    15.7 KB · Views: 1
The update seems to have magically evolved : the update installed completely inside Windows update, asked for a reboot and then errorred out during the reboot (error 0xc1900101), rolling it back.
I agree the drive is suspicious, probably because of the high stress (very high fragmentation / low space on partition while winUpdate tried to install the updates over and over and full partition compression was running), but knowing I am stuck with it for 6 months at least and I have full backups, maybe we could proceed with the troubleshooting ?

The stress issues should be mostly gone now (space has been freed 50% and drive got fully defragg'd/optimized and native file compression fully activated to limit the needed read/writes)
Yes, The NIOS II IDE is installed, it has a simulator for Altera FPGA and quite possibly some emulators for the board which got installed alongside. It is possible I have XBOX360 controller emulators installed too, like DS4Windows / X360CE.

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